Develop a program governance plan

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132830396

Task - Program Governance Implementation

Assuming that your organization has been awarded contracts to undertake the following projects:

Project 1 - Website redevelopment and hosting and maintenance services for Destination: Australia

This project is for the technical upgrade of the Archives' website Destination: Australia. In order to ensure the best value for money and optimal functionality (for the website and related exhibition interactive) going forward, it is necessary for the website to be transferred from a proprietary CMS to a commonly available CMS (including, but not limited to, an Open Source CMS).

The website will enable the National Archives of Australia to collect user contributed data about the photographic collection featured on the site. The interface must be modern, engaging and user-friendly, designed to meet the needs of people of all ages, and differing levels of computer and English literacy. The website must interact successfully with an exhibition interactive via an existing API. There is an option for hosting, maintenance and support services to be provided from contract execution until 31 December 2019.

Project 2 - Re-development of Intranet

A redevelopment of the Clean Energy Regulator staff Intranet into SharePoint 2013

Project 3 - Database for community engagement - Software As A Service Customer Relationship Management system (SAAS CRM)

The National Radioactive Waste Management Facility project is currently in Phase 2, best described as the technical assessment and continued community consultation phase. One site has been chosen to progress to this stage while other as yet unknown sites may also progress to this stage. The project team requires a database (Software As A Service Customer Relationship Management system (SAAS CRM) to effectively and confidentially manage large volumes of data, including names, addresses, opinions of community members and contact details. This will assist in ongoing community engagement.

The system must be fully operational (tried and tested) within two weeks of the commencement of the proposed contract. The project, and related community engagement, will be ongoing for years. Access to maintenance and advice will be desirable.

Your task is to, taking into account the 3 projects above to be developed concurrently, develop a program governance plan. The governance plan must:

• document program role and responsibilities
• determine finance and resource authorities
• compare decision making processes and outcomes against program objectives
• identify alternative program management systems
• design a program records and configuration system
• compare types of effective program policy
• identify ways to support program implementation.

In order to achieve this task, develop a full governance report for the program that includes and utilizes all the templates attached.

Attachment:- Program Governance Implementation.rar

Verified Expert

The requirement is to answer 5 sections based on the three projects mentioned in the initial document.It touches areas like benefits management, measurement, and quality management.References and citations are added.

Reference no: EM132830396

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