Develop a program for students to practise arithmetic skills

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131973164

C Programming for Engineers and Scientists

Problem Description

The principal from your primary school found out that you are doing your programming assignment and wants you to develop a program for his students to practise their arithmetic skills.

The students can choose:

1. module to practise (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division)

2. range of numbers (from 1 to a maximum of 100)

3. number of questions (a minimum of 3)

Based on the input, questions for the selected math operations are asked.

Each question consists of two numbers separated by relevant arithmetic operator with equal sign at the end.

For each question, the answer is checked and appropriate feedback is displayed.

After the last question, an overall score and appropriate feedback are displayed.

The student can then continue practising with the same / different module or exit the program.

Submission Guidelines

1) Perform problem analysis by creating word document file that includes example runs, defining diagram, pseudocode and data dictionary.

2) A program has to be written in C language as taught in labs and lectures.

3) Your code has to include a header comment with student's name, ID and the purpose of the program. In addition, comments should be used whenever necessary in elaborating the program's logic.

4) Your assignment has to be submitted through Moodle as a .zip file, consisting of analysis file, compiled and linked C programs.

Reference no: EM131973164

Questions Cloud

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Develop a program for students to practise arithmetic skills : ECSE1CES - C Programming for Engineers and Scientists - The principal from your primary school found out that you are doing your programming assignment
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Similarities between arbitration and judicial hearings : Discuss the similarities and differences between arbitration and judicial hearings with particular emphasis on the common law of the shop.



5/7/2018 2:25:30 AM

Implementation (Execution) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Code fails to execute with run-time/logical errors. 3 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Code executes without error but output doesn’t correspond for some example runs in relation to values, data types and formatting. 7 points (EXCELLENT) Code executes without error and outputs accurate results for all example runs. 10 points


5/7/2018 2:25:25 AM

Implementation (Structure and Neatness) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Code is poorly written with minimal comments or comments which are ill defined. Code is inconsistently indented. 12 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Overall, code is accurate with proper indentation. However, commenting could be more meaningful or frequent. Block comment doesn't sufficiently describe program's function and scope. 28 points (EXCELLENT) Code is well written, indented and well commented. Conditional statements are accurately implemented. Both block and line comments are used appropriately and are meaningful. Overall, code structure reflects good programming practice. 40 points


5/7/2018 2:25:19 AM

Implementation (Compilation) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Program code fails to compile with major structural errors e.g., -Failed to declare variables -Incorrect class and method declarations -Class name doesn’t match filename -Inconsistently referenced a named variable -Used ‘semicolons’ and/or missed parenthesis ‘()’ in conditional statements etc. 1.5 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Program code fails to compile but errors are minor and minimal e.g., -Failed to use semicolon ‘;’ to end statements -Spelling errors or used wrong case letters for keywords -Missed one or two closing braces etc. 3.5 points (EXCELLENT) Program code compiles without error. 5 points


5/7/2018 2:25:14 AM

Pseudo Code (Input/Output) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Not all input variables have been listed and/or they do not correspond to data dictionary. 0.75 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Input variables follow naming convention but some do not correspond to data dictionary. 1.75 points (EXCELLENT) Input variables are named correctly and corresponds to data dictionary. 2.5 points Pseudo Code (Processing and Conditions) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Processing steps shows poor understanding of problem description and conditional logic is poorly implemented and inaccurately formatted. 6 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Processing steps are well written and show good understanding of problem description however structural errors exist in conditional logic. 14 points (EXCELLENT) Processing steps are well defined and incorporate required logic/conditions to address problem description. Conditional statements are accurate in structure and implementation. 20 points


5/7/2018 2:25:09 AM

Data Dictionary (Description) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points POOR) Input and output variables are poorly defined with minimal or no references to problem description. 0.75 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Input and output variables are defined but references to problem description is lacking. 1.75 points (EXCELLENT) All input and output variables are adequately defined with references to problem description. 2.5 points Pseudo Code (Structure & Neatness) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Function name is poorly chosen and/or doesn’t adhere to naming convention. Indentation has not been applied or is inconsistent. 0.75 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Function name is meaningful and follows appropriate naming convention however inconsistencies exist in indentation and overall structure of pseudo code. 1.75 points (EXCELLENT) Pseudo code starts with a meaningful function name which follows appropriate naming convention. It ends with a STOP statement and indentation is applied to reflect the scope of logic/condition. 2.5 points


5/7/2018 2:25:04 AM

Data Dictionary (Naming variables) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Some input/output variables are missing or do not correspond to variables used in defining diagram. Inconsistencies exist in naming variables. 0.75 points (MAINLY CORRECT) All input and output variables are listed but do not follow correct naming convention. 1.75 points (EXCELLENT) All input and output variables are listed and follow correct naming convention. 2.5 points


5/7/2018 2:24:58 AM

Defining Diagram (Processing) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Input, calculate and display steps do not accurately address the problem description and/or inconsistencies exist in naming the variables. 1.2 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Input, calculate and display steps are defined however some steps are not adequately elaborated and/or inconsistencies exist in naming the variables. 2.8 points (EXCELLENT) All 3 steps – Input, calculate and display – have been accurately defined and variable names follow correct naming convention. Overall, the steps provide a high-level solution to the problem description. 4 points


5/7/2018 2:24:53 AM

Grading criteria Example Runs (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Choice of input/output reflects poor understanding of problem description. There are inconsistencies in choice of data types and use of ‘?’ and ‘=’ symbols to identify the variables. 2.4 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Input and output have been identified. However, choice of data types is inaccurate and/or input/output values are not correctly distinguished with ‘?’ and ‘=’ symbols. 5.6 points (EXCELLENT) All input and output have been identified and values reflect choice of appropriate data types. Input and output values are accurate and preceded by ‘?’ and ‘=’ respectively. 8 points Defining Diagram (Input/Output) (UNACCEPTABLE) Not attempted or entirely inaccurate. 0 points (POOR) Not all input and output variables have been identified and there is inconsistency in naming convention. 1 points (MAINLY CORRECT) Input and output variables have been identified but do not follow correct naming convention. 2 points (EXCELLENT) All input and output variables have been correctly identified and follow correct naming convention. 3 points

Write a Review

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