Reference no: EM131623996
Topic Material:
Text book 1. Reading Strategies for Elementary Students with Learning Difficulties
Read chapter 2 of Reading Strategies for Elementary Students with Learning Difficulties.
Electronic Resource 1. Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade: A Practice Guide
Read pages 30-39 of "Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade: A Practice Guide," on the U.S. Department of Education website.
2. Knowing your Learning Target
Read "Knowing your Learning Target," by Moss, Brookhard, and Long, from the ASCD website.
Comprehensive Early Reading Plan
Develop a comprehensive 750-1,000-word early reading plan based on the following case scenario and the tasks that follow the scenario:
Student: Amanda
Age: 6.5
Grade: 1
Amanda has just transferred to a new school. It is the middle of the school year and her new teacher is concerned about Amanda's reading skills. Her school records have not arrived from her old school, but her parents reported that her previous teacher had asked to meet with them. They moved before the meeting could occur and are not sure what was going to be addressed. English is Amanda's second language. Her parents struggle with speaking English and need an interpreter during meetings.
Amanda completed some assessments for her new teacher, who noted some skill deficits. Most of Amanda's peers recognize sight words like "and," "has," "is," "a," "the," "was," "to," "have," and "said." Amanda has difficulty when she encounters these words. Amanda's oral reading is slow and labored. She often says the wrong letter sound or guesses at words. Amanda is unable to answer simple comprehension questions (e.g., main idea, main characters) after she has listened to a passage read aloud. Her teacher has scheduled a meeting with Amanda's parents to discuss the assessments.
The teacher developed the following instructional goals for Amanda:
Given a letter or letter combination, Amanda will say the corresponding sound.
Given a brief reading passage on her instructional level, Amanda will read the passage and be able to retell the main ideas.
Given a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) word prompt, Amanda will be able to say the word "slowly" (sounding it out) and then say it "fast" (reading as a whole word).
After listening to a story, Amanda will recall three or four sequenced events.
Shown sight words, Amanda will state the word automatically.
Source: The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements,
Part One
Research early reading strategies, including:
1. Comprehension strategies
2. Graphic organizers
3. Independent practice
4. Model-lead-test
5. Peer tutoring
6. Repeated reading
After completing the research on these strategies, summarize the strategies including the benefits of the various strategies and specific tips for implementation.
Part Two
1. After summarizing each of the six possible strategies, sequence each of Amanda's instructional goals described in the case scenario in the order you would address them with her.
2. For each instructional goal, identify an early reading strategy from Part One and explain why or how it will assist in achieving the instructional goal.
3. Explain how you would involve Amanda's parents, and develop an activity from one of the early reading strategies that Amanda's parents can use at home.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Field Experience C: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
At least 3 hours of field experience should be used to complete Clinical Field Experience C. Complete two or more field experiences from the Focused Field Experience Activity List C:
Focused Field Experience Activity List C:
• Attend a faculty meeting. (InTASC 9)
• Attend a professional development session for special education teachers. (InTASC 9)
• Attend a professional conference or workshop for special education teachers. (InTASC 9)
• Develop a professional growth plan aligned with the teacher candidate's needs based on feedback from your pre-assessment of dispositions. (InTASC 9)
• Develop and lead a professional development session for teachers on the safe, legal, and ethical use of information and technology. (InTASC 9)
• Develop and teach a lesson one-on-one, to a small group, or to a whole class that engages students on the safe, legal, and ethical use of information and technology. (InTASC 9)
If you elect to complete the field experience associated with the last bullet point, utilize a K-12 grade level classroom setting that includes students with language disabilities. Reflect upon your field experience choices in a 250-500-word summary.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Topic 3, DQ 1
Describe two school activities you believe would increase family engagement and promote language development. Explain your reasoning.
Topic 3, DQ 2
In what ways can diversity of families, cultures, and schools effect the delivery of special education services?