Reference no: EM132553995
BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships - Melbourne Business School
Task - Performance and Skills Assessment
General instructions
To complete this assessment you can refer to the Bounce Fitness business scenarioby reviewing the associated documents in the additional resources section on Canvas.
1. Refer to the spaces provided for you below and identify two (2) work responsibilities related to a role in your organisation (make sure this is a role or job that you are familiar with).
If you do not have a role in mind, you can apply the Bounce Fitness scenario provided and apply the work roles identified under Section 6 of the Quality Assurance Manual.
Determine at least one (1) strategy and one (1) process on how these responsibilities must be fulfilled. Briefly describe any additional information you need to communicate information about the work responsibilities to your co-workers. This information can include the following:
» Timelines
» Resources required to complete the task
» Who they need to report to
2. Refer to the Communications Policyin the additional resources section on Canvasand develop one (1) consultation processesthat helps ensure that employees have the opportunity to contribute to issues relevant to their work role. These must include:
» Communicating information to support employees in achieving their work roles
» Facilitating employees' contributions to the consultation process
» Providing feedback on the outcomes of the consultation process
3. Refer to the Communications Policyin the additional resources section on Canvasand develop one (1) consultation processes that helps ensure that any issues raised are resolved promptly or referred to relevant personnel such as your workplace supervisor.Use the Communication Policy Processes template below.
4. Facilitate a feedback session with one (1) employee (one of your classmates can also act as an employee).
This feedback session can be related to helping resolve an issue that this employee is facing in the workplace. This can be an issue the employee has personally identified in his/her own workplace. Alternatively, you can use one of the following issues for discussion:
• The responsibilities of the employee is clashing with those of another employee, causing confusion as to who is responsible for completing tasks. You need to discuss solutions for resolving this case.
• Due to high staff turnover in recent months, additional duties has been given to the employee, creating an unsustainable workload. New employees have since been appointed but they still need training. As a result, the workload for this employee has remained the same. You need to discuss solutions for resolving this case.
Document the outcome of the consultation by using the Feedback Session Template provided in the following page.
5. Describe how you gained and maintained the trust of the 2 participants in your feedback session during the meeting and prior to the meeting.
6. To ensure that there is no discrimination in the workplace, develop a policy to support cultural diversity, specifically to ensure that there is greater understanding between staff on cultural differences. Use the template below to develop a policy statement and procedure for developing greater cultural awareness and support for cultural diversity in the workplace.
7. Describe an instance when you adjusted your interpersonal communication style to meet the following:
a. one (1) your workplace's cultural diversity guidelines.
b. One (1) of your workplace's ethical guidelines.
8. List 2 networks that you can use to help build workplace relationships. Describe the outcomes and benefits for the team and the organisation.
9. Create a 6-month plan detailing how you will develop and maintain effective internal and external communications.
10. To answer this question you must refer to the Work Relationship Conflict document included in the additional resources sectionon Canvas. Review each situation listed and develop strategies to help resolve the workplace difficulties identified. To answer the question, complete the following table.
11. Develop a process for managing conflict in the workplace. Include at least 5 steps to the process.
12. Select one of the difficulties/conflicts that you had to address in question 10 and write a professionally written email to relevant stakeholders summarising what was agreed to in action plan. Use the email template below.
13. Explain how the systems you implemented meet your organisation's policies and procedures
Attachment:- Lead and manage effective workplace.rar