Develop a problem list for subjective findings

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Reference no: EM133615731

Discussion Post

Question A. How should the nurse proceed with the interview portion of the assessment?

Question B. What are the components necessary to complete the interview?

Question C. Develop a problem list for subjective findings.

Question D. Develop a problem list for objective findings.

Question E. What teaching should the nurse consider from the problems list?

Question F. What interventions might be included in the plan of care for this patient?

Reference no: EM133615731

Questions Cloud

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Besides reducing risk of overpaying or underpaying suppliers : Besides reducing the risk of overpaying or underpaying suppliers, what are some other benefits AA would derive from its "should-be" model?
What general principles are involved in protection provided : What general principles are involved in the protection provided by the innate and adaptive immune systems?
State the facts leading up to dilemma : Describe the dilemma, state the facts leading up to the dilemma, explain why the proffered suggestion(s) is ideal given the circumstances.
Develop a problem list for subjective findings : What are the components necessary to complete the interview? Develop a problem list for subjective findings. Develop a problem list for objective findings.
Ethic of profession first and foremost require of will : In this case, what would the ethic of the profession first and foremost require of Will? What are the competing value sets?
Involves established body of technical regulations : The FAA determined that this regulation only involves an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and routine amendments
What is not considered a scholarly resource : What is not considered a scholarly resource? Are websites acceptable as scholarly resources for discussions?
High-speed production lines facilitate : At Quench-industries, high-speed production lines facilitate the manufacturing of 1000 plastic water bottles per day.


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