Develop a presentation using powerpoint

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131509718


Develop a presentation using PowerPoint, or any other presentation software, such as Prezi, that demonstrates to a head coach how to deal with their student athletes and their uses of social media.

Your presentation should have at least 7 slides, not including the title and reference pages. As you develop your presentation, be sure that you have addressed the following.

Elaborate, in detail, about what is acceptable information to include on social media as a student athlete, and what is not.

Explain whether the head coach has the freedom to require strict conditions, in regards to student athletes' uses of social media. Justify your claims.

If using Prezi, submit the presentation''s sharable link to the assignment dropbox. Prezi files cannot be uploaded to Blackboard for instructor viewing.

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This document is prepared in the MS power-point Monitoring of student-athletes' social media accounts is widespread among ... in severity and breadth, and detail sanctions that include written reprimands ... Not all of the schools had policies regarding social media. ... Missouri State's policy also holds athletes responsible for “information, photos and items. Consumers could find the books (and later, other products) they were ... different due to e-commerce's effects on market demand and supply fundamentals. ... Before discussing the interplay of online and offline markets, we lay out.

Reference no: EM131509718

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