Develop a pre-test to align with the learning outcomes

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133339556

Analyze the Student Data for the Post Assessment: Address each question/statement.

Question 1. Develop a pre-test to align with the learning outcomes

Question 2. How would you group the students based on the data? How many groups would you have? Who would be in which groups and why? Create a chart.

Question 3. How would you describe your impact on the student's learning according to the data? Explain.

Question 4. Which aspects of the assignment do you think the children would need more help with? Explain?

Question 5. Why might 5 of the students only receive 1 out of 11 possible points? Should the teacher have identified the students earlier? How might he/she have done so?

Question 6. What would be your next steps in terms of this unit? Explain

Question 7. If these scores were for the pre-test, how would you use these scores to help you plan future lessons for the unit? Next steps?

Question 8. How would you plan for the students who received 100% on this exam?

Question 9. Interpretation of Data for the three students

a. What is the difference between the expectations for the Advanced learner and the Grade Level Learner

b. Do you think drawing a picture to show my opinion gives enough information

c. What else did you notice about the three students' work?

Reference no: EM133339556

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