Develop a ppt that include a title slide and an agenda slide

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131984071


Develop a PowerPoint presentation (12-18 slides in length). It should include a title slide, an agenda slide, body content slides, a closing slide, and a references slide (if applicable). All slides count toward the required length.

The content should focus on some aspect of social media use in the workplace. Potential examples include the importance of companies embracing social media, advertising through social media, policies involving social media, proper professional communication through social media platforms, or any number of other angles.

The presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Any other submission formats will be returned ungraded.

The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:

1. Content:

1. Address some aspect of social media use in the workplace.
2. Organize the presentation in a clear, logical manner.
3. Provide between 12-18 total slides.
4. Assume your target audience is familiar with the overall concept of social media.

2. Format:

1. Follow the design requirements from Chapter 12-3 (pages 208-211) in BCOM7.

2. Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide, and two to three (2-3) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.) throughout the presentation (not per slide), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away.

3. Open with an engaging introduction (including one title slide and one introduction slide).

4. For the body of your presentation, cover the main points of your subject. Create slides that reinforce and illustrate your main ideas.

5. For your single closing slide, finish with a memorable wrap-up statement that refocuses on the purpose of your presentation.

6. Slides should cite any relevant outside sources using footnotes on relevant slides (the source should be clearly visible to the audience) OR in APA format (in-text citations on slides and an included references page at the end of the presentation). Choose one method or the other (do not mix both).

3. Clarity / Mechanics:

1. Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements.
2. Run spell/grammar check before submitting.

Your assignment must be completed in PowerPoint (using either .PPT or .PPTX format). Your professor may provide additional instructions.
Assignments must be submitted through the online course shell only.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

1. Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
2. Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar, mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation.
3. Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
4. Develop presentation skills for use in the professional environment.

Reference no: EM131984071

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