Reference no: EM131045679
The task: You are working for the government reform group which has been asked by the government to analyze existing policy responses and propose alternative policy strategies around one of the following aspects:
1. People are living longer: What are the policy options needed to deal with our ageing population?
2. Society is getting heavier - what are the policy options that we can consider to deal with the current rise in obesity rates and the impact on the health of the nation.
Develop a PPT presentation around current government policy responses to the above health issues and alternative policy strategies which you are proposing for government to consider adopting. Your presentation needs to address the following:
1. Introduction: identify yourself as an actor in the presentation, purpose of the presentation, the intended audience and outline of the presentation
2. Scene setting: Outline the issues of concern related to the policy being reviewed and what the current and future problems are (burning platform)
3. The current policy response: discuss the current government policy responses or policy interventions or strategies in responding to issues and problems outlined under scene setting. You will need to be analytical here and provide a logical argument to answer the question, "are current government policy responses adequately addressing the outlined policy issues or not?" (In any case, find a fault so that you can go to the next part).
4. Alternative policy strategies:based on your analysis in the above, use evidence from the literature to propose alternative policy strategies (we suggest you provide a minimum of 2 - maximum of three recommendations or themes for your action plan) for the government to implement. In discussing your proposed strategies, consider effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and quality as criteria for government to adopt your propositions.
5. Advocacy strategy: Develop an action plan of how you will influence the government to adopt your proposed policy strategies. As part of your action plan, identify key stakeholders who you intend to engage with, explain why you think they are important and how you intend to engage with them for a successful advocacy
6. Conclusion: synthesize your main points of argument or main massages
Develop a 15 MinutesPPT presentation (your presentation will last for a maximum of 20 minutes, 15 minutes is for your group presentation and 5 Minutes is for questions). The presentation requirements for students is as follows;
- Students will work in groups (allocated before the workshops or during the workshops on day 1). All the groups will present to the class on the last day of the workshops on the 24th May 2016. All students will be allocated the same mark on condition that they contribute sufficiently to the presentation. All group members must be present throughout the workshop days including the last day of presentations. Following the presentations, each student is required to submit a copy of the presentation on Black Board for grading and record purposes.
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