Develop a portfolio to accomplish your stated objectives

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131210272

Portfolio Project - Advanced Managerial Finance

Purpose: To learn and practice the skills associated with the development of a corporate financial portfolio.

Scope: The student will choose a company and upon approval of the instructor they will develop a portfolio based upon their stated strategy and objectives. The portfolio investment period will be the 60 days prior to the end of the quarter.

Specifics: After approval the student will develop a portfolio and written analysis the following details:

-Develop a specific set of objectives and an investment strategy to accomplish those goals. Goals and objectives should have a maximum timeline of 3 years.

-In your capacity as CFO, develop a portfolio to accomplish your stated objectives and have the following criteria:

  • Have a foreign currency position. This may be for a foreign expansion exposure, sales exposure, and/or as a counter currency for a domestic exposure
  • Have a bond position - domestic, foreign, euro as appropriate.
  • Have equity position - domestic, foreign, GDR, appropriate.
  • Have a derivative position - domestic, appropriate.

-You need to discuss how you plan to fund your objectives beyond what's expected in the portfolio. Explain and support that position - if appropriate you can securitize your funding position and add to your portfolio.

-Track your portfolio for the 60 days with actual data then project to your final date and estimate your success for your portfolio.

-You should make an estimation of your portfolio's beta and support that estimation.

Reference no: EM131210272

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9/17/2016 4:52:17 AM

Your portfolio will be graded upon you following your criteria; you’re supporting rationale, and projected results. All quantitative metrics used should be clearly stated in your portfolio paper and will also be part of your grade. This paper will include the overviews, qualitative reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and details of the portfolio. Remember, the above criteria are minimums, but portfolio relevance is critical. For example, if you need real estate as part of your portfolio then it needs to be there.

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