Develop a portfolio of draft planning documentation

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Reference no: EM132087381 , Length: word count:16000

Undertake project work Assignment -

Assessment Task 1 - Define project and develop plan

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective - Candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to define projects and develop project plans.

Assessment description - Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will determine the scope of a project and develop a portfolio of draft planning documentation to discuss with your Operations General Manager (the assessor). You will then negotiate aspects of the project with your assigned project team. Finally, you will submit final planning documentation for approval.

Procedure -

1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document 'Max Lionel Realty.docx'. Review templates contained in the document 'Project planning ternplates.docxT for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements.

2. Review the scenario information provided in Appendix 1.

3. Receive details from Operations General Manager (the assessor) of your project team, cost, skills, and suggested project deliverables and timeframes.

4. Determine project scope. Develop appropriate initiation and scope documents for discussion with Operations General Manager (the assessor).

5. Determine additional documentation required to determine project and develop deliverables.

6. Define project stakeholders. Determine how you will engage and manage stakeholders to achieve project objectives. Develop communication and stakeholder management plans for discussion.

Note: Consider scenario information and organisational structure to determine stakeholders and stakeholder interests.

7. Identify personal responsibilities and reporting requirements.

8. Determine relationship of project to other projects, systems, business operations, strategic aims of organisation, and external legislative requirements.

9. Determine resources and access to resources. Consult with Operations General Manager (the assessor) to clarify if necessary.

10. Determine project management tools, such as software (e.g. Microsoft Word, MS Excel, and MS Project) and templates, etc.

Note: You may use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided.

11. Using an appropriate project management tool, develop your project plan (version 1). Include:

a. work breakdown structure: stages of development or of task completion (Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate); opportunities for (peer and stakeholder) review and feedback; coordination of roles and sharing of responsibility for deliverables; dependencies

b. timelines

c. roles and responsibilities for each team member d. resourcing requirements.

12. Develop a risk management plan for your project (version 1) for discussion. Include consideration of WHS risk management. Identify, assess and suggest treatment of at least three additional risks, including financial risk. Record risks on a risk register and complete a risk assessment document for each risk. Note: You may use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided.

13. Develop a budget (version 1) for the project. Note: You may use software tools or use or adapt the template provided.

14. Meet with Operations General Manager (the assessor) to discuss:

a. project scope

b. additional documentation required to determine project and develop deliverables.

c. project stakeholders

d. personal responsibilities

e. relationship of project to other projects, systems, strategic aims of organisation

f. resources and access to resources

g. portfolio of documents:

i. project initiation and scope documents

ii. project plan (version 1)

iii. risk management plan (version 1)

iv. budget (version 1).

15. Ask for feedback from your Operations General Manager (the assessor) on your version 1 drafts and ensure understanding of any additional project issues or changes to project parameters.

16. Meet with your project team to:

a. negotiate roles and responsibilities

b. Agree on version 2 of documents for approval by Operations General Manager (the assessor):

i. project plan (version 2)

ii. risk management plan (version 2)

iii. budget (version 2).

c. Incorporate Operations General Manager (the assessor) feedback into planning project:

Note: The meeting will be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.

When meeting with your team, be:

i. professional

ii. accommodating and conscious of varying skill levels, interests, backgrounds

iii. submit documentation as per specifications below.

Assessment Task 2 - Administer and monitor project

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective - Candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to administer and monitor projects.

Assessment description - Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will work collaboratively with your project team to administer and monitor a project (initiated, planned and discussed in Assessment Task 1) in order to achieve the project deliverables.


1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures in the document 'Max Lionel Realty.docx'. Review templates contained in the document 'Project planning templates.docx' for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements.

2. Review the scenario information provided in Appendix 2.

3. Determine monitoring and record-keeping system requirements from scenario for project as planned.

4. Determine personal need for support.

5. Meet with the team to:

a. clarify roles and responsibilities and ensure written record of agreement, e.g. obtain signatures on roles and responsibilities template provided.

b. determine need for support and inform team members of your support needs.

c. discuss monitoring and record-keeping systems as required by the organisation.

d. discuss risk processes for identifying risks and risk management approaches.

Note: Minutes of these meetings should be attached to your project status reports. You may need to meet on several occasions. Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.

6. Plan to support a team member. Arrange suitable time with team member and assessor (to observe). You may, for example, provide assistance with deliverables, coach, train, etc.

Note: Ensure you adhere to budgetary constraints and timelines. All resources and time spent on the project will count towards expenditure.

7. Meet with team member to provide support.

8. Complete the following personal roles and responsibilities:

a. implement monitoring and record-keeping, using or adapting the template provided

b. develop project deliverables

c. ensure quality assurance on draft deliverables as required by your project plan.

9. Undertake risk management as per your project plan. Provide risk management reports (may include change requests and/or issues logs). Use or adapt the templates provided.

Note: Your Operations General Manager (the assessor) will inform your project team of contingencies that you will need to manage. Coordinate actions with your project team members. Each team member will have at least one contingency to manage.

10. Submit documentation as per specifications below.

You must: participate in project meetings, provide appropriate support to one team member and submit:

  • a written record of agreement with roles and responsibilities
  • three status reports as per record-keeping requirements
  • risk management reports: change requests and/or issues logs
  • draft project deliverables for quality assurance
  • final project deliverables.

Assessment Task 3 - Finalise and review project

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective - Candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to finalise and review projects.

Assessment description - Following on from Assessment Tasks 1 and 2 and using the workplace scenario information provided, you will, drawing on consultation with your project team, complete financial record keeping, reassign staff to roles, complete project documentation for sign-off and review project outcomes against project scope and plan. You will then produce a report on the project for stakeholders.

Procedure -

1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document 'Max Lionel Realty.docx'. Review templates contained in the document Project planning templates.docx' for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements.

2. Review the scenario information provided in Appendix 3.

3. In consultation with your project team, complete financial record-keeping for the project:

a. compare budgeted spend with actual

b. produce a budget variation report.

Note: You may use or adapt the template provided. Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.

4. In consultation with your project team and management, assign project team members to roles. Obtain agreement on new roles and responsibilities. You may use or adapt the template provided (under initiation and scope) to record agreement on new role descriptions.

Note: Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.

5. Produce a handover report for the Project Sponsor (the assessor) for sign-off. You may use or adapt the template provided.

6. In consultation with your project team:

a. review the project's outcomes against objectives, including budgetary performance

b. review team processes

c. review the project management tools used, evaluate their contribution to the project and discuss possible alternatives

d. discuss lessons learned from implementation of the project.

Note: You may use or adapt the post-project review meeting agenda template provided. Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.

7. Produce a post-project review report for all stakeholders, including the Board of Directors, containing:

a. a review of project outcomes against objectives, including budgetary performance

b. a review of team processes

c. a review of the project management tools used, an evaluation of their contribution to the project and any recommendations for alternative tools for use in the future

d. a discussion of lessons learned from implementation of the project

e. recommendations for the implementation of future projects based on the lessons learned, ensuring your report takes account of specific organisational requirements, e.g. legislative requirements and strategic plans.

Note: You may use or adapt the post-project review report template provided.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132087381

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8/16/2018 5:02:49 AM

Total Words/Pages - approx 16000 words - TASK 1 - 25-30 Pages, TASK 2 - 14-20 Pages and TASK 3 - 10-15 Pages. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications for details. Note: You may use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided.


8/16/2018 5:02:40 AM

Note: Consider scenario information and organisational structure to determine stakeholders and stakeholder interests. Note: Minutes of these meetings should be attached to your project status reports. You may need to meet on several occasions. Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.


8/16/2018 5:02:30 AM

You must: participate in project meetings, provide appropriate support to one team member and submit: a written record of agreement with roles and responsibilities, three status reports as per record-keeping requirements, risk management reports: change requests and/or issues logs, draft project deliverables for quality assurance and final project deliverables.

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