Reference no: EM131365511
Objective of the assignment:
A Job analysis is a core skill for HR professionals and a key task for organizations to perform. So many of the employment decisions are based on this one task. The purpose of the activity is for you to gain practice in conducting a job analysis and to gain knowledge about the methods to collect data for the analysis.
For this assignment, you are asked to develop a plan to gather data for a job analysis, use at least two of the methods to gather data, write a short job description and job specification based on the data you have gathered. Please do not use your own position and do not use a job description already written. If you do not work outside the home, you have other opportunities for positions to analyze. If you do not have a position in a typical office, retail establishment or production facility you can use, seek out a position from elsewhere. The opportunities could include a server at a restaurant, a service provider in your home, your hair stylist, a sales assistant, the receptionist at your doctor's office or perhaps your child's au pair, tutor, teacher or nanny.
First review the material presented in the course about how to conduct a job analysis, the various methods for collecting data and the pros and cons of the various methods.
After you have selected your methods for collecting the data, select the position (a job) to analyze and use at least two of the methods for collecting data, collect the data using the methods selected and summarize your findings in a short job description and job specification. .
Place the power point presentation in the assignments folder AND in the discussion forum for all to see. In the power point presentation, share the following:
1. Provide an academic definition of job analysis and a short description of how it is used in organizations. Provide an in text citation for the definition.
2. The position you selected to analyze.
3. The methods you selected for gathering data, an academic definition of each, an in text citation and the pros and cons of each data collection method you selected.
4. The rationale for why you selected the methods you did (tell why you selected the methods you did).
5. A description of your experience in collecting the data (how did it go? - was is easy, hard, stressful? for example).
6. A short sample position description and job specification you were able to design based on the data you gathered. Include an academic definition of position. description and specification along with the in text citation for each.
7. Suggestions for data gathering if you were to complete this assignment again and desire to make it even more accurate.
Please try to present your data in no more than 10 slides including your title slide and reference page (recall that if you have in text citations you must also have a reference page and it is to be in APA format including displayed in alphabetical order). Keep all the relevant content in the slide content area and use the notes area on the slide for other supplemental information
Additional information on job analysis:
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