Develop a plan of care with patient centred goals

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Reference no: EM131953494 , Length: word count:2500

Acute Care Nursing Practice Assessment -

Case Study - Peter Stanhope

Background information -

Mr Peter Stanhope is a 70 year old Caucasian male who was admitted to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) with complaints of increasing shortness of breath, fatigue and unexplained rapid weight gain over a two week period.

Past medical history - History of hypertension for 20 years with an MI at the age of 58.

Past surgical history - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (age 55)

Medications -

  • Ranitidine 150 mg PO prn every 8 hours for reflux
  • Lipitor 40 mg PO daily
  • Enalapril 2.5 mg PO daily
  • Frusemide 40 mg PO bd

Family history

  • Father deceased (age 62) - Acute Coronary Syndrome,
  • Known family history of hypertension

Social history

  • Lives alone and does not always remember to take medication

Height: 169 cm Weight: 105 kg (previously 95 kg)

Admitting vital signs in ED

  • Respiratory rate 36 bpm
  • Blood Pressure 170/110 mmHg
  • Heart Rate 105 bpm
  • Temp 37.9 oC

Diagnostic results -

  • Chest X-ray indicates cardiomegaly with right and left ventricular hypertrophy; fluid in lower lung fields

Intervention orders

  • Frusemide 40 mg IVI stat
  • Potassium Chloride 40 mEq PO bd
  • Enalapril 5 mg PO daily
  • Milrinone 50 microg/kg IVI over 10 minutes
  • Continuous ECG monitoring
  • 2 gram/day sodium restricted diet
  • Titrate O2 to keep SpO2 > 93%
  • Strict fluid balance chart
  • Daily weight
  • Serum electrolytes and cardiac enzymes 8 hourly x 3

You are the admitting nurse in the CCU responsible for Peter's care. On presentation you note Peter is having difficulty breathing with extreme shortness of breath. He looks pale; skin cool and diaphoretic.

You are required to refer to the Case study - Peter Stanhope, and complete Part 1 and Part 2 questions.

Case study questions:

Part 1: Describe your initial assessment of Peter including a detailed description of your systematic approach. Outline any additional subjective and objective data you would expect to find.

Part 2: Following your initial assessment of Peter and considering the current intervention orders, develop a plan of care with patient centred goals.

Your plan of care should be prioritised and include;

  • Short term (bedside) and long term (rehabilitation) goals,
  • All goals should be in the SMART format
  • Interventions (actions) to achieve the required goals (including multidisciplinary care)
  • How the goals or outcomes are measured
  • Rationales using current literature and evidence for each intervention to be implemented.

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Reference no: EM131953494

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4/23/2018 2:16:57 AM

Total 2500 words and APA Referencing. Case study on page 11. Exemplary understanding of the systematic prioritised approach required for primary and secondary assessment of the ADHF patient has been presented. Presentation and background history has been analysed and integrated into the assessment process. All short and long term activities are matched with appropriate goals and frequencies. The majority of Care Plan Goals are "SMART" for ADHF; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.


4/23/2018 2:09:58 AM

Care plan is comprehensive and prioritised when treating ADHF. Both short and long term patient management issues for ADHF have been addressed. A comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to treating ADHF has been implemented. All frequencies are appropriate. Rationales for all activities/interventions have been supported with high levels of evidence. Analysis for some of the evidence for the rationales has been presented Insightful understanding for how the interventional (activity) outcomes are measured (Assessed).


4/23/2018 2:09:52 AM

High quality current primary research journal articles used Demonstration of an advanced understanding of evidence-based literature. Some critique of the evidence provided. The work is very clearly written and easy to read. The work has been correctly formatted and information is presented in a logical, easy to follow fashion. Difficult concepts have been presented in a concise, logical and understandable fashion. Only minor grammatical errors. Highly developed understanding of APA referencing style evident by the use of appropriate techniques and approaches to acknowledge sources of information or data. APA referencing style formatting has been used correctly throughout the assessment and reference list. Infrequent minor deviations from APA style punctuation may be present.


4/23/2018 2:09:47 AM

FORMATTING OF ASSIGNMENTS - The following formatting/presentation specifications must be followed for assignment submissions: Use the university cover sheet Electronic versions of assignment cover sheets are available via University Library Homepage, Word document only unless specified by the Course Coordinator, Use the university cover sheet, Type assignment using 11 point Arial, Set margins - right and left at 2.5 cm - for electronic submission, left at 4cm and right at 2.5cm - for hard copy submission. Align text left, 1.5 line spacing. Ensure that you have a footer in your assignment that includes your student number, course code and page number e.g. 20121111_NS3008 _Page 1. Name your file in the following way: Student number, assessment item number and/or name and course code e.g.20160000_Assessment Item 1_NS3008, Print on one side of the page only (if hard copy required).

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