Develop a plan for the coaching and mentoring of staff

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Reference no: EM131444430 , Length: word count:3000

Manage the marketing Process Assignment

Assessment Task 1 - Marketing Plan Management

Performance objective -

In this task you are required to develop a management plan for provided marketing information to monitor and review its progress after a period of time. You will also need to delegate roles to individuals within the organisation, establish and use KPIs to assess progress, and communicate information about marketing activities as required.

Assessment description -

As part of this task, you will need to ensure that you understand the mission and strategic objectives of your organisation, in particular the marketing objectives and legislation requirements. Such legislation requirements would cover areas such as: copyright laws, privacy laws, Trades Practices Act, Direct Marketing Code of Practice and defamation laws. You will need to develop plans for managing the marketing activities for the organisation, with specific attention paid to the integration of marketing and sales activities and the delegation of roles and responsibilities to individuals and teams within the organisation. You will need to develop materials to communicate the marketing objectives and management processes for the marketing plan for a range of staff and stakeholders, and will need to monitor and review the progress of the marketing objectives over time. An understanding of relevant economic, social and industry directions, trends and practices will be required to assist completion of the assessment.

Procedure -

Using the case study information provided, develop a management plan for the marketing activities being conducted within your organisation. This should include information under the following headings:

1. Marketing activities: Review proposed marketing activities and accompanying information to identify and describe three activities that show the potential for the organisation (within the established marketing objectives).

2. Integration of organisational activities: Discuss and summary describing how the range of marketing, promotional and sales activities (detailed in the provided case study information) can be integrated to ensure the achievement of the established marketing activities.

3. Monitor progress: Monitor the product, distribution, pricing and marketing communication policies in relation to market changes, marketing plan objectives and organisational requirements. Monitoring progress would also involve an evaluation of statistical and data techniques to measure marketing performance.

4. Distributing and pricing: Review the proposed models for distribution and pricing of product, and describe how this should be adjusted to allow for the market fluctuations (as identified in the case study). Provide a plan for how distribution and pricing can be monitored over time, in relation to market changes and adjustments in organisational requirements (as described in the case study), to create monitoring reports for your organisation.

5. KPIS: Provide a plan for how progress (using the metrics of return-of-market-investment and market share) can be measured against performance targets, to ensure that marketing requirements are being met.

6. Delegation: Develop draft staffing proposals for the delegation of roles and responsibilities for various marketing activities and efforts within your organisation.

Once you have provided the information above, you need to meet with the CEO (your assessor), and discuss with them the information you have gathered about the proposed marketing activities and your management plan. In particular you should discuss and agree on the proposed delegation of roles and responsibilities for marketing efforts described in your management plan.

With the CEO's approval, you should develop information to be shared with relevant personnel in your organisation, including all information provided under each heading above, as well as:

  • Communication: Describing the communication strategies to be put in place to assist individuals in working together to achieve marketing objectives.

Assessment Task 2 - Staffing Support Plan

Performance objective -

In this task you are required to develop a plan for the coaching and mentoring of staff involved in the marketing activities. Included in your plan will need to be descriptions of how you intend to provide feedback and instigate corrective actions to staff who are working with you to fulfil marketing objectives.

Assessment description -

As part of this task, you will need to ensure that you understand the mission and strategic objectives of your organisation, in particular any guidance given by these or other policy and procedure documents on staff interactions and staff training. Your plan will need to establish strategies for coaching and mentoring staff, providing feedback and when necessary, instigating corrective actions to ensure that marketing objectives are being met. Legislation requirements will also need to be addressed. Such legislation requirements would cover areas such as: copyright laws, privacy laws, Trades Practices Act, Direct Marketing Code of Practice and defamation laws.

Procedure -

Develop a staffing support plan for supporting through individuals and work teams with delegated roles and responsibilities within your organisation. This should include information under the following headings:

1. Strategies: specific strategies for mentoring and coaching of staff throughout the period of the proposed marketing activities.

2. Resources: models for assessing use of resources provided to attain required marketing outcomes.

3. Feedback: a model and mechanism for providing feedback to staff throughout the process

4. Performance: a process to be used for identifying weaknesses in individual and team performance (in meeting the requirements of the marketing ting objectives for the delegated marketing activities) and instigate corrective actions when required.

Using this information, review the two scenarios provided:

Scenario 1: Describe how you would provide one-on-one coaching to the individual outcomes in the scenario to assist them in achieving the required marketing.

Scenario 2: Describe the performance to-date of the individual, and describe the corrective actions you could take to ensure that marketing outcomes continue to be achieved.

Assessment Task 3 - Marketing Performance Report

Performance objective -

In this task you are required to review the implementation and progress of a marketing plan, based on the established plan and metrics.

Assessment description -

Read the case study and understand the marketing objectives for the organisation. You will need to analyse and measure progress of the plan against established KPIS, and review targets for the next phase of the marketing plan. Data evaluation techniques to measure marketing performance should be demonstrated be the learner.

Learners will need to have read case study material contained within the previous two assessments to assist development of Assessment Task 3 answers.

Procedure -

Using the case study provided, detail the outcomes of ongoing marketing activities to develop a marketing performance report. The report should follow the three headings below:

1. Analysis: analyse the marketing outcomes, changes in marketing and calculated marketing metrics (ROMJ and market share).Describe the changes required to meet strategic objectives.

2. KPIs: Explain any success or performance gaps in the case study as measured against the KIDIs mentioned earlier. Identify what you believe are the causes and effects of any successes or gaps. Describe marketing outcomes and how you could improve strategic performance.0

3. Targets: for any identified over-performances (against targets), describe the trends and reasons for these, and set new targets for the next 12-18 months.

Assessment Task 4 - Develop Market Research Plan

Performance objective -

In this assessment you are required to establish guidelines for researching and gathering information and work with your staff to gather and evaluate the data.

Assessment description -

You need to review existing policy and procedure documents (in the appendices of your Student Workbook) and develop guidelines for managing the process of gathering research information. You also need to identify and plan to acquire all resources necessary for supporting the project.

Procedure -

From the case study provided you are required to complete the following steps:

1. Develop guidelines reflecting organisational policy and procedures to be used for conducting research. These guidelines for research must provide information and guidance under the following headings:

  • OHS
  • Data privacy
  • Staff involvement
  • KPIs
  • Quality of data.

2. Meet with and commission a staff member (your assessor) to develop detailed work plans for how research will be undertaken, using the guidelines you have established. Make sure you agree on the format of the materials (print/electronic/oral, etc.) and a date for the provision of these materials.

When the staff member returns the plans to you, you will need to review the plans to identify the following and providing a written Work Plan Summary (document) - the steps below should be the main sections of your summary:

1. Resources: Identify all required resources to support the implementation of the plans by:

a. creating a list of all required resources

b. completing the Resource requisition/acquisition form provided for each resource.

2. Consultants: Identify preferred consultants by:

a. describing requirements for external consultants within the project plan

b. detailing selection criteria for selection of external consultants.

c. identifying which consultant/s from the preapproved list is/are suitable.

3. Providers and suppliers: Identify preferred providers and suppliers by:

a. describing requirements for goods and services within the project plan

b. detailing selection criteria for selection of providers and suppliers

c. identifying which providers and suppliers from the preapproved list is/are suitable.

Assignment File -

Reference no: EM131444430

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3/30/2017 1:20:51 AM

You must provide: A written Organisational Guidelines for Conducting Research (Step 1). A brief written summary of your meeting with the staff member you commissioned for research (Step 2). A written Work Plan Summary (Steps 3-5) with completed acquisition forms. Your assessor will be looking for: Evidence that you have examined the case study and reviewed organisational requirements to develop market research plans. Distance-based learners: Complete assessment as per instructions, except the meeting with your staff member (the assessor) will be via phone or Skype or other live telephone or video medium.


3/30/2017 1:20:42 AM

You must provide: staffing support plan {Steps 1-4], responses to each provided scenario [Steps 5-6]. Your assessor will be looking for: Evidence that you analysed and identified the needs of the case study, and reflected these in the staffing support outline you have developed. Adjustment for distance-based learners: No variation of the task is required. You must provide: A marketing performance report [Steps 1-3]. Your assessor will be looking for: Evidence that you analysed and identified the needs of the case study, and reflected these in the strategic presentation you have developed. Adjustment for distance-based learners: Complete assessment as per instructions, except the meeting with your manager (the assessor) will be via phone, a social networking site or other live telephone or video medium.


3/30/2017 1:20:32 AM

Australian student, you can copy paste from google but it should be meaningful and correct. There are 6 files means 6 subjects, each file is having few tasks, each file needs 3000 words. You need to distribute 3000 words according to number of tasks and questions. So total of 3000x6 = 18000 words required, please send it in 6 different files as per each subject. You must provide: A management plan for the marketing activities, with clear strategies and actions for the achievement of marketing objectives [Steps 1-6]. Summary notes from your meeting with your CEO. Your assessor will be looking for: Evidence that you analysed and identified the needs of the case study, and reflected these in the management plan you have developed. Adjustment for distance-based learners: Complete assessment as per instructions, except the meeting with your manager (the assessor) will be via phone or Skype or other live telephone or video medium.

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