Reference no: EM131255086
From the articles, essays, and videos that we are discussing this second unit of the course, develop a perspective and thesis that analyzes a specific, common theme throughout several of the works. You might compare two essays. You might write about a common theme in three, four, or all of the works. However many of the assigned essays you decide to include in your analysis, compare your ideas from these selections to the world you see around you. Include current events and personal experience to make this comparison. In sum: develop an argumentative analysis based on our reading selections, your experience, and your research.
While these guidelines are somewhat loose and offer opportunity for creativity, please do your best to free write, brainstorm, and prepare so that the essay presents thematically focused and specific writing. While creative essays may be fun, it may also be difficult to focus.
It is required that you conduct research around your theme, and reference at least three outside sources, cited in MLA format.
A list of the selections we have studied:
"The Myth of the Latin Woman"
"The Fourth of July"
"Two Ways to Belong"
"The Beauty of Being a Misfit"
"If I Were to Have a Daughter"
"The Joy of Reading and Writing"
"Shooting an Elephant"
"Walk on By"
"On Being a Cripple"
Please feel free to send me your thesis ideas, and ask any questions.
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