Develop a partial accident investigation report

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Reference no: EM132317891

Accident Investigation Project


This assignment tests your ability to apply the lessons and information learned in this course to develop a "partial" accident investigation report based upon the accident information provided on the ‘Zonk Air Accident' scenario.

The length of the paper is open, but your instructor reserves the right to determine if the length of a paper correlates to a complete document. Obviously, a brief paper (2-3 pages) indicates a lack of attention on details and research. You have some writing latitude given the mandates of the assignment but keep it uniform and well organized. In other words, do not write a "story like narrative" or simply cut and paste from the accident scenario. Put forth some energy, creative skills, accurate writing and deduction and have some fun.

This is a blend of technical but readable report writing all encompassed by proper language, syntax, grammar and avoidance of emotional and subjective writing. The report may follow, to some extent, the manner in which the NTSB writes accident reports.

You should, as much as possible, corroborate their data by explaining where the information was gained. This is spelled out in the report instructions below. In other words, there should be no leaps to conclusions without proof or data. A good report should include a probable cause and a list of contributing factors all developed and based from the information in the accident report.

Abstract: What this paper is about. For instance, "this paper will examine the processes of accident investigation..." All writing is third person.

You are to gather and distil information from the accident narrative then place the information into the appropriate sections listed below. You may add sections, if needed.

Drawing from those sections, you then distil, develop, prove, and corroborate accident causations within in section 1.9, "Final Analysis." From Section 1.9, "Final Analysis", create a succinct conclusion stating probable and contributing causes which is placed in Section 2.0, "Conclusions." Section 2.1, "Recommendations" should be realistic suggestions to prevent similar mishaps and not some over-the-top, non-obtainable, illusionary offerings.

Examine the various NTSB reports in the course to gain additional exposure on substance and format. However, your report is not required to have the extensive detail of an NTSB report. Use what information you have plus appropriate sources and create the report.

Brief history of flight (Mission)
On-Scene actions (Scene Management Procedures)
On-Scene observations (What did you note and observe?)
Airport information and weather (Basic description and source)
Flight information and mission (Who, what, where and why)
Aircraft information (Type, history, performance, maintenance, etc.)
Pilot information (certificates, hours, training, etc.)
Company information and operations (Who, what where why)
Miscellaneous information (Option for additional information)
Final analysis (Your analysis for causes - prove and bring it all together here)
Conclusion (The probable and contributing causes)
Recommendations (Realistic, doable suggestions)

Attachment:- Aircraft Accident

Verified Expert

In this assignment there is a vivid description of an aircraft accident. In this aspect final conclusion is provided. Some recommendations are provided also to save peoples from such accidents.

Reference no: EM132317891

Questions Cloud

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Develop a partial accident investigation report : SFTY 330 - Aircraft Accident Investigation - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - develop a partial accident investigation report based upon the accident
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6/7/2019 12:00:30 AM

please read the two attached docs and create a safety report based on the information given and instructions given in attachements Use the witness statements to corroborate the scenario where applicable. Also, state what type of interview you used, e.g. one-to one, at the venue, telephonic, etc. The interviewing technique is your option; however, use the best method as indicated in the course.


6/6/2019 11:59:42 PM

Post any questions in the ‘Investigator’s Workshop’ forum so all can see the responses. Follow the format, conventions, and examples below: Format Title Page: “Aircraft Accident Report Project” SFTY 330, Name plus required APA/ERAU information. Abstract: What this paper is about. For instance, “this paper will examine the processes of accident investigation…” All writing is third person.


6/6/2019 11:59:11 PM

Rubric: The grading rubric is based upon APA writing style, critical thought, a detailed analysis of information and development of a logical and justifiable probable cause, contributing factors and realistic recommendations. Instructions: This is a blend of technical but readable report writing all encompassed by proper language, syntax, grammar and avoidance of emotional and subjective writing. The report may follow, to some extent, the manner in which the NTSB writes accident reports.

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