Develop a paper design of a system

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Reference no: EM13865677

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a paper design of a system to address an important need.

Your design challenge is to start with the literature survey you wrote, and determine a way that the technological subject you addressed in the survey can be used to solve a pressing societal problem. The problem can be worldwide, nationwide, or local, but it must be a real problem that people face, and that can be solved through technology.

For the purposes of this paper, you can lay aside questions of practicality. Assume that you have a very large budget and a large staff of engineers. Your solutions, however, have to be plausible engineering solutions given the large budget and staff. (For example, you can propose installing a worldwide cell network but not an antimatter-powered teleportation device.)

At a minimum, you should consider cost, durability, environmental impact, and the impact on the problem you will be solving.  For example, if you are proposing an electronic solution, you might consider how the materials will be distributed as well as durability, cost, and advantages and disadvantages of your approach. Are there any ethical issues?  Environmental issues? Safety issues? What new technology might be used? Is there technology in development that might be used a few years from now?

Below are the parts of the report that are mandatory. The report is to be written double-spaced with paragraphs and section headings. The sections "Abstract" through "References Cited" should be major headings in the report (normally "Heading 1" in Microsoft Word). For larger sections, like Context and Design Approach, you can and should have some sub-headings as needed.

Report Section


Title (on cover page)

Hopefully self-explanatory

Author (on cover page)

Hopefully self-expanatory


1-paragraph overview of the paper


Set up what you are doing.

Context of Problem and Solution

Explain the global and societal context both of the design problem and of your solution. Include a brief review of literature. (How have others solved the problem?)

Design Approach

Explain how you formulated the problem, made design decisions, and generated a solution.

Design Impact

Explain the changing technological environment and its impact on the issues surrounding the design. That is, explain how technology can impact your solution and benefit society.

Conclusions and Future Work

Explain what future work needs to be done to complete the design.

References Cited

List of references


Reference no: EM13865677

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