Reference no: EM132324019
Assignment: Social work practice occurs at several different levels: micro, mezzo, and macro levels. An understanding of the impact on families at all levels is critical for you to develop a comprehensive assessment of the problems families face and are dealing with. For you to integrate all possible perspectives and explanations of a family's issues, you must explore the various perspectives.
For this assignment, select a family issue such as alcohol abuse, working with a disabled member of the family, a marital affair, a child with severe emotional or behavioral problems at school, sexual orientation, or another issue you are interested in researching further.
Develop a pamphlet for use with potential clients, their families, or friends of that person. Include the various perspectives at the micro, mezzo, and macro level regarding the family issue you have selected. Be sure to include any social justice issues that may arise with your selected problem. Illustrate evidence-based practices in working to resolve the problem for your intended audience.
Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 2 to 3-page pamphlet, not including title and reference pages.
Explain what eriksons theory is all about
: Describe this time period and specific Erikson stage(s) associated with this time period and apply each of them briefly, as they apply to yourself
What defines public health as a concept
: What defines public health as a concept, as well as a healthcare system operating in this country? What specific skills do you need as a senior manager.
Freight market and shipbuilding market
: Explain how the relationship between the freight market and shipbuilding market can be illustrated using a two-part diagram.
Shipping business management
: Because shipping business cycles are random by their very nature, there is nothing shipping companies can do about their effect on shipping business management.
Develop a pamphlet for use with potential clients
: Develop a pamphlet for use with potential clients, their families, or friends of that person. Include the various perspectives at the micro, mezzo.
Identify areas of application outside of the context
: ENGR7791 Software Engineering-Flinders University Australia- Present a case study: an example from your research or personal experience.
Salmon export from tasmania to china
: Suppose the exporter learns that he can also rely on air transport for his salmon export from Tasmania to China.
State the main hypothesis made by the researchers
: It is reasonable to admit that in four weeks you have been exposed to a great deal of information about the human mind! This assignment will give you.
Which of the four market structures
: Which of the four market structures, competitive market, monopolistic competition, oligopolistic competition, or monopoly