Reference no: EM13920067 , Length: 3
Detailed Specification
This assignment must be completed as an individual assignment.
You have been asked to develop a one player java multiple choice math game that tests children, between ages 8 to 13 years old, ability to add, subtract and divide.
At start up, the game should thoroughly display the rules of the game and then prompt the player to enter his or her name and age. Note, only children between the ages of 8 to 13 years old are allowed to play this game. Thus, if a player enters an age that does not meet the aforementioned criteria, then the game should abruptly end with a suitable error message.
The game must consists of 10 questions, which is broken down into three (3) game rounds. See below for rules regarding the game rounds:
Round 1
This round consists of four (4) questions, questions 1 through 4 and is deemed the "Add round". The intention of this round is to test the player's ability to add. For each question in this round, two random numbers must be generated. The first random generated number must be between 1 to 25 and the second random generated number must be between 1 to 9.
The game is then required to generate two multiple choice options. Each multiple choice option would contain a character and a number, one of which must be the correct answer. The player would then be required to enter the character (A or B) that corresponds to their answer.
Note, the order in which the correct answer appears and the incorrect number option must be randomized.
Example: Latoya you are on Round 1, Level 1. Can you please enter the letter which represents the correct answer for 24+8 :
A. 32 B. 12
Round 2
This round consists of four (4) questions, questions 5 through 8 and is deemed the "Subtract round". The intention of this round is to test the player's ability to subtract. For each question in this round, two random numbers must be generated. The first random generated number must be between 1 to 25 and the second random generated number must be between 1 to 9. Note, the first number must be greater than the second number.
The game is then required to generate two multiple choice options. Each multiple choice option would contain a character and a number, one of which must be the correct answer. The player would then be required to enter the character (A or B) that corresponds to their answer.
Note, the order in which the correct answer appears and the incorrect number option must be randomized.
Example: Latoya you are on Round 2, Level 5. Can you please enter the letter which represents the correct answer for 25 -5:
A. 15 B. 20
Round 3
This round consists of two (2) questions, questions 9 through 10 and is deemed the "Divide Round". The intention of this round is to test the player's ability to divide. For each question in this round, two random numbers must be generated. The first random generated number must be between 1 to 25 and the second random generated number must be between 2 to 9. Note, the first number must be divisible by the second number.
The game is then required to generate two multiple choice options. Each multiple choice option would contain a character and a number, one of which must be the correct answer. The player would then be required to enter the character (A or B) that corresponds to their answer.
Note, the order in which the correct answer appears and the incorrect number option must be randomized.
Example: Latoya you are on Round 3, Level 9. Can you please enter the letter which represents the correct answer for 20 / 4:
A. 5 B. 3
Other Rules
Every time a player correctly answers a question they should be awarded a certain number of points and then the said player would progress to the next subsequent question. However, if a player incorrectly answers a question they must lose points and would not be able to progress to the subsequent question until they correctly answer the current question. The minimum points a player can have is zero.
A player will win the game if he or she successfully answers all 10 questions correctly however, a player will lose the game if he or she run out of chances. Every time a player incorrectly answers a question they lose a "chance". A player has only 4 chances throughout the entire game.
When the game ends a report should be generated listing the player's name, age, total score, question number completed, and indicate if the player win or lose the game.
Note, the game can only end if the player wins or loses the game or if the player enters an incorrect age.
Functionality to be achieved
This Individual project is expressed as a number of levels. The level of functionality implemented in your game will determine the maximum possible mark that you can achieve. The actual mark awarded depends strongly on the quality of your work. Make sure that you fully understand the grading criteria. Starting with Level 1 you should incrementally enhance your work to include the next level.
Display a suitable welcome message to the player and a comprehensive description regarding the rules of the game.
Prompt for and capture the player's name and age. Also, ensure that only children who are between the ages of 8 to 13 years old can play the game.
Ensure all the functionality, specified in the aforementioned, for Round 1 is met.
Ensure all the functionality, specified in the aforementioned, for Round 2 is met.
Ensure all the functionality, specified in the aforementioned, for Round 3 is met.
The game should ONLY end based on the following criteria: 1. If a player wins the game by answering all 10 questions successfully. 2. If the player lose the game, as a result of running out of chances.
When the game ends a report should be printed, listing the following:- 1. Player's name 2. Player's age 3. Question completed by the player.
4. Total points achieved by the player. 5. Indicate if the player won or lose the game