Develop a new program that simulates the hiring

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132216790

Programming Assignment 1

Your assignment is to implement a singly linked pointer based list using an employee class. The employee class should contain the employee information listed in the "input" section below. The program should contain all functions listed in the functionality section below.

Data about current employees should be on the file "Employee.txt". You will need to create your own employee file and submit it with the final project.

Each employee should have the following attributes:

- Employee_Number Integer
- Employee_Last_Name String
- Employee_First_Name String
- Employee_Years_of_Service Integer

3 employees must be loaded from the Employee.txt file on program start up.





Allows the user to "Add" an employee to the list


Allows the user to "Remove" an employee from the list


Returns the number of employees in the list


Prints the employee information in the list to the console


Stops processing

All output should be on the console.

Data Structures
This program should utilize a singly linked pointer based list.

- Neat and well commented program
- Complete zipped Visual Studio Project

Programming Assignment 2

Using the same employee class developed in the Week 2 programming assignment, develop a new program that simulates the hiring and processing of new employees for your company. The queue should be a First In First Out(FIFO) based queue.

Data about current employees should be on the file "Employee.txt". You will need to create your own employee file and submit it with the final project.

Each employee should have the following attributes:

3 employees must be loaded from the Employee.txt file on program start up.





Allows the user to "Add" an employee to the list


Allows the user to "Remove" an employee from the list


Returns the number of employees in the list


Prints the employee information in the list to the console


Stops processing

All output should be on the console.

Data Structures
This program should implement a queue as a linked structure (5.4).

Attachment:- Programming

Verified Expert

This is a CPP project having two assignments.We have implemented a linkedlist in one of the assignments and queue in the other.

Reference no: EM132216790

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1/16/2019 9:22:03 PM

Please read the instructions for each assignment Deliverables Neat and well commented program Complete zipped Visual Studio Project You will need to create your own employee file and submit it with the final project.

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