Develop a new application system for your business partner

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM13334452

You have been assigned as the manager on a project to develop a new application system for your business partner. You were given two weeks to develop a project plan and high level cost estimates. Unfortunately, this is a relatively new technology for the company, and although the technology has been tried and tested elsewhere, there are no previous internal projects you can use to help estimate. Your initial estimate calls for a six-month development effort with a planned staff of 10. The system takes data feeds from three upstream applications, and sends information back to two of them. You have never worked with these three systems in the past, although one of your developers used to work in the group that supports one of them. Identify the top three risks in this situation. For each risk, document its risk event, impact, probability, impact rating/risk exposure, and mitigation strategy.

Reference no: EM13334452

Questions Cloud

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Develop a new application system for your business partner : You have been assigned as the manager on a project to develop a new application system for your business partner. You were given two weeks to develop a project plan and high level cost estimates.
What is the resulting charge on the capacitor : A 22 V battery is connected to a parallel-plate capacitor with a plate area of 0.28 m2 and a plate separation of 2.1 mm. What is the resulting charge on the capacitor
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Determine whether the transactions is taxable : Determine whether each of the following transactions is taxable. If a transaction is not taxable, indicate what type of reorganization is affected, if any.


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