Develop a multiple regression model

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131492300 , Length: word count:400

Assessment Research Report


The file:Birthweights.xlsx contains data on the following variables for a sample of 1000 births recorded in a large local hospital in 2015:




Birthweight in grams


Length of pregnancy in days


Whether the mother is a smoker or not

Pre-pregnancy weight

Mother's pre-pregnancy weight in kilograms


Mothers height in centimetres


Mother's indigenous status


Mother's age in years


Management atthe hospital is interested in being able to better manage room allocations and bookings in their maternity ward. They are keen to identify mothers at risk of having low birthweight babies who may require additional hospital resources during their stay in the hospital.

The hospital has collected data for a number of previous births at the hospital. The data contains information on the variables outlined in the table above. As a consultant, they have approached you and asked if you could analyse this dataset.


Part 1 - Analysis

1. Past records (2004) show that the average birthweight was 3500 grams. Test at 5% if the average birthweight in 2015 has increased with the improvement in general nutrition.
(Include all six steps for hypothesis testing.)

2. Performa two-sample t-test for each of the following tasks. (Include all six steps for hypothesis testing in each.)

(a) Determine if there is evidence that on average the weight of a baby of a mother who smokes is less than that of a mother who does not.(α= 5%)

(b) Determine if being indigenous is a disadvantage in terms of birthweight. (α= 5%)

The hospital managementis particularly interested in whether you can develop a regression model to help them to predict the birthweight of a baby based on the variables in the data supplied. The model could then be used to predict birthweightto identify babies at risk in future.

3. By using the forward stepwise method, develop a multiple regressionmodel to predict the birthweight.
Step 1: Gestation only
Step 2: Gestation and Smoke
Step 3: Gestation, Smoke and Pre-pregnancy Weight
Step 4: Gestation, Smoke, Pre-pregnancy Weight and Height
Step 5: Gestation, Smoke, Pre-pregnancy Weight, Height and Status
Step 6: Gestation, Smoke, Pre-pregnancy Weight, Height, Status and Age
(a) Interpret the regression coefficients of all six (6) independent variables in the model obtained in Step 6, and comment on the statistical significance of each.
(b) Use Excel to obtain the correlation matrix for the following variables: Gestation, Pre-pregnancy Weight,Height,Ageand Birthweight. Do you think multi-collinearity is a problem in the regression model? Are the correlation coefficients consistent with the regression coefficients obtained in the model in Step 6? Discussbriefly.
(c) Focusing on Steps 3 and 4,discuss fullyhow the introduction of Height in Step 4 affects the regression coefficient of Pre-pregnancy Weight.
(d) Based on the results in (a) to (c), explain which independent variables should be includedor excludedto formulate the final model. State the final model.
(e) Comment on the overall adequacy of the finalmodel.
(f) Consider an indigenous mother who is a smoker, 20 years of age, and 160cm tall with a pre-pregnancy weight of 58kg and gestational age of 267 days.What is the expected weight of the child, using the final model you have developed in (d)?
4. Compute the difference in the average birthweightof babies of indigenousandnon-indigenous mothers (called thebirthweight difference, for simplicity). Discuss fullyif there is any discrepancy between the regression coefficient of Statusobtained in the regression model and the birthweight difference.

Part 2 -Report
You are required to submit a concise report (word limit: 400) presenting any important features or relationships in the data. The content of your report should be based on, but not restricted to, insights gleaned fromyour analyses conducted in Part 1.

Part 1 - Analysis
- For presentation and ease of marking, it is advisable to include relevantExcel output in your answer to each question in this part instead of placing them in appendices.
- There is no word limit in Part 1.
Part 2 - Report
- The report is primarily based on the data provided. If, however, you wish to include, and refer to, additional information, you can use any referencing system as long as it is usedconsistently.
- You can include relevantcharts and Excel objects in your report.
- Use 1& ½ spacing and font size of 11.
- Theword limitof 400 (with a tolerance of 10%) is exclusive of words in tables, appendices and reference list (if any).

Attachment:- Birthweights.xlsx

Reference no: EM131492300

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5/11/2017 7:30:15 AM

Subject-data analysis Word Count- 400 Quality Words +calculations It includes 4 statistic questions and maximum 400 words report. Hi there, the assignment has 2 parts. the first part is all math like figures and formulars, there is no word limit so I can't figure out how many words would it be! And the second part is 400 words max


5/11/2017 7:29:56 AM

PC (3.1): Use information literacy skills, and communicate effectively and professionally in written forms and using media appropriate for diverse purposes and contexts Written expression and integration ofrelevant statistical findings [Part 2] Writes fluently and clearly using language, format, and structure that always adheres to the report genre; meaning is clearly articulated and effectively expressed, and relevant to task Language is generally fluent and clear; format and structure mostly appropriate for the report genre; meaning is effectively expressed and relevant to task Writes generally fluently with occasional grammatical errors; format and structure not always appropriate for report genre; meaning generally clear and relevant to task but lacks clarity in parts Meaning is apparent but not clearly and fluently expressed, with limited relevance to the task; format and structure not always appropriate for the report genre Meaning is confusing or mostly irrelevant to task with frequent grammatical errors; format/structure inappropriate for the report genre (or report does not meet proper academic standards, e.g., contains plagiarism) 20%


5/11/2017 7:29:41 AM

HO(2.1): Investigate real world business issues and situations through the effective analysis, evaluation and synthesis of theory and practice Interpretation and explanation of research findings [Qs 3(b) (c) & 4] Results are presented clearly and interpreted correctly and comprehensively; research findings are critically discussed in depth and are coherently related to all aspects of the analysis and research problem Results are presented clearly and interpreted correctly in some detail; research findings are well discussedin detail in relation to most parts of the analysis and research problem Results are mostly presented clearly, though minor errors of interpretation are evident; research findings are well discussed in relation to some aspects of the analysis and research problem, though explanation is lacking in detail in parts Some results have been presented and interpreted correctly though substantive errors in explanation and/or interpretation are present; research findings do not sufficiently address the research question and/or analysis,and contain minimal explanation


5/11/2017 7:29:25 AM

KS (1.2): Apply technical and technological skills appropriate and effective for real world business purposes and contexts Analysis of data [Qs 3(a), (d), (e)& (f)] Analysis methodsappropriate for comprehensively and critically investigating the research question were selected; all analyses and calculations were correctly performed Appropriate analysis methods were selected comprehensively investigating most aspects of the research question ;most analyses and calculations were correctly performed Analysis methods relevant to some aspects of the research question were selected, though narrowly addressing the research question ;most analyses and calculations were correctly performedthough minor errors are present Some analysis methods relevant to the research question were selected, though minimally addressing the research question ; substantive errorsare evident in the analysis and/or calculations Analysis methods were not appropriately selected or were not relevant to the research question; multiple major errors present in analysis and/or calculations (or report does not meet proper academic standards, e.g., contains plagiarism) 30%


5/11/2017 7:28:54 AM

Criteria 7 6 5 4 3 or below Weight KS (1.1): Demonstrate and apply integrated discipline (including technical) knowledge across the broad field of business with depth in one or more core business disciplines Application of statistical knowledge [Qs 1 and 2] Selects and correctly uses relevant graphs and statistical concepts throughout the report Selects mostly relevant graphs and statistical concepts, and uses them appropriately throughout the report Selects mostly relevant graphs and statistical concepts, but with occasional inappropriate use Selects only a limited range of relevant graphs and statistical concepts, with some incorrect use Unable to select and use relevant graphs and statistical concepts (or report does not meet proper academic standards, e.g., contains plagiarism) 20%

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