Develop a mitigation and contingency plan

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM131992387

Learning Outcomes

This assignment has been devised to allow students to demonstrate progress towards achieving the following unit learning outcomes:

Demonstrate familiarity with the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) framework and its impact on the Project Management discipline

Demonstrate knowledge of engineering project management tools and techniques such as: Work breakdown structures (WBS), Network diagrams, Critical path analysis.

Explain the importance of achieving organizational value from engineering projects and managing project risk

Explain the importance of the benefits management process to engineering projects and the techniques available for understanding both tangible and intangible benefits and measuring their delivery.


Your team is nearing the completion of the project. Through this assignment, you should demonstrate key knowledge areas of project management as listed in PMBOK.

Working individually, the five individual submissions from your team members should complete all the tasks as listed below. There are five tasks in total. Each member of the team will complete one different task so that all the five tasks would be properly addressed within a team.

Task 1

1. List out the local government's legal prerequisite for starting your engineering project and justify the need of each requirement.

2. What are the potential dangers of proceeding with a project that has no SMART objectives? As a project manager develop an iron triangle policy for your project scope. Justify each of the factors

3. Assume any Engineering project and develop activities that can be mapped with the "Activity" and "predecessors" column mentioned below. For example, Task A as "Polishing sample", Task B as Characterization etc. till "K". Determine the critical path for the assumed project using MS project.


Duration (weeks)



































Show the task column and predecessor's column of the project your team has been doing in for last 10 weeks as entered in MS PROJECT. The predecessor's column should show all the four types of task relationships. Explain the logic for choosing S-S, F-F & S-F relationship for at least 2 task each.

4. During the project review meeting, being a project manager you reported an up to date project completion status, which is 50% of the total project duration. The client wanted you to finish the project 10 days earlier than the original plan. Show the status of the project at 50% in MS PROJECT. This application should be for the project that your team has been doing for the last 10 weeks. Include snapshot of tracking Gnatt, show snap shot of tracking table with base line and actual date. Also, include snapshot of crashed project showing the new finish date, tracking cost table. From the tracking cost table find out the cost of crashing for the crashed activities.

Task 2

1. Do you require white card for the project your team has been working for last 10 weeks? If yes, elaborate the requirements to acquire white card in your project. If no, analyze the other requirements for skilled workers.

2. As a finance manager develop an iron triangle for cost management for your project. Justify each of the factors.

3. Assume any Engineering project and develop activities that can be mapped according to the following network diagram. For example, Task A is "Polishing sample", Task B is Characterization etc. Determine the critical path in MS project.


In MS PROJECT, show the critical path of the project your team has been doing for last 10 weeks. Explain the critical bottleneck activities from project start to end date. For the other activities, how much delay can be tolerated without delaying project completion? Include the MS project snapshots wherever necessary.

4. Explain the Earned value (EV) analysis in your project. Use MS project to show EV projections.

Task 3

1. As a Resource manager, develop an iron triangle for resource management for your project. Justify each of the factors.

2. Under uncontrollable circumstances, one of risk in your project could not be avoided. Due to this critical activity in your project has been impacted and lead to a delay of 10 days. For this scenario:
- Perform project crashing such that the project meet the deadline
- Develop a mitigation and contingency plan to avoid that risk in future.

3. In a project John has been assigned to tasks A to G. John cannot work more than 8 hrs a day. He must finish task A before starting any other task. The project manager has specified the dates by which he must finish each task. These dates are marked in RED. For example, activity A must finish by 5th may and B by 12th May and so on. John has planned his work as per the following table where against each activity he wrote numbers of hour he would be working for that activity. You as a project manager were not happy with John's work plan and reconfigured his plan. Why did you reconfigure John's work plan? Reconfigure work plan for John using MS Project. Assume real activities from A to G and proceed your work. For example, Task A as "Polishing sample , Task B as Characterization and so on for the complete project.


4. For the project your team has been working on for the last 10 weeks, show the status of your project at 50% project completion. Due to unavoidable circumstances, impose a delay of 10 days now at few of the tasks. Show the cost and duration variance before imposing delay, after imposing delay and implementation of fast tracking with the help of appropriate snapshot of MS PROJECT.

Task 4

1. As a Quality manager, develop an iron triangle for quality management for your project. Justify each of the factors.

2. Assume any Engineering project and develop activities that can be mapped according to the following network diagram. For example, Task A is "Polishing sample", Task B is "Characterization" etc. Determine the critical path in MS project and perform
- crashing by resources and
- crashing by activities


3. (a) Consider you are a project manager for a company. The client wants tracking to be done to ensure project completes on time. List out the obstacles while tracking the project and give a brief explanation on each possible solution to avoid the conflicts.
(b) Perform the following tasks in MS project & use snapshots wherever necessary.
- Show tracking of your project in MS project by setting baseline as 70%.
- Due to obstacles while execution of the project, some of the tasks are incomplete. Use tracking module in MS project and show the tasks, which are affected & highlight the amount of work completed of the affected tasks.

4. List all the health and safety and the environmental laws (HSE) that you need to abide in the project. List out all such activities in your project that you are required to abide by HSE. Develop a mitigation and contingency plan where ever required.

Task 5 (For team member 5)

1. As a project manager develop an iron triangle for project integration management for your project. Justify each of the factors.

2. Provide the MS PROJECT resource sheet of the project your team has been working on for last 10 weeks. Which resources in the sheet are most susceptible to over allocation and why? Explain with at least four different techniques to remove resource over allocation in your project and shows its application. How these techniques would affect your project end date. Use MS project.

3. For the project your team has been working

(a) One of the work resource has two different cost rates for two different tasks assigned to the resource. Provide the snapshots of MS PROJECT showing two different rates for the resource. Also, provide the snapshot of MS PROJECT showing the cost of assigned tasks to the resource with different cost rates.

(b) Consider the fixed costs resources in your project and show its assignment to the required tasks in MS project.

4. (a) Impose a baseline at 30% project completion and perform split tasks for 5 activities in your project. Ensure that the project end date is not effected. Explain the reasons for this split tasking.

(b) At 70% of project completion, you have identified a 9-day delay in the project due to some unforeseen circumstances. Considering the uncertainties and the variance in the project, what is the probability that the project can be completed on time (as per the planned schedule), one day before the schedule and one date later than the schedule? Provide screenshots of MS project wherever required.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131992387

Questions Cloud

Specialized in savings account and mortgage loans : What is a financial institution that traditionally specialized in SAVINGS account and mortgage LOANS but now offers many of the same services as commercial bank
How much would be your total yield if the bond was sold : Bond with face value $1000, maturity 15 years coupon rate 5.5% per year payable semi-annually aand YTM 7% currently bond sells for $900.
What is the present value of the settlement : What is the present value (i.e., value as of today) of the settlement including the payment today and the annuity payments?
What will be the companys stock price in three years : If the firm's last dividend (D_0) was 52.00 and the investors' required rate of return is 15 percent, what will be the company's stock price in three years?
Develop a mitigation and contingency plan : SEB723 Engineering Project Management - Develop an iron triangle for resource management for your project. Justify each of the factors
Discuss design phases of your chosen methodology in brief : Compare chosen methodology with another methodology and discuss design phases of your chosen methodology in brief
What are expected profits based on these expectations : Your business plan for your proposed start-up firm envisions first-year revenues of $90,000, fixed costs of $36,000, and variable costs equal to one-third
What is the present value of the bond : 17-year U.S. Treasury bond with a face value of $1,000 pays a coupon of 6.00% (3.000% of face value every six months). The reported yield to maturity
Estimate the number of returns filed in 2005 : Let x = 1 correspond to 2001 and estimate the number of returns filed in 2005 & 2012.



5/22/2018 7:41:10 AM

Presentation: Report structure and organization 15 points Report is written professional with excellent clarity, conciseness, coherence and unity. No formatting, spelling or grammatical errors detected. Referencing is comprehensive and free from error 12 points Report is generally well written but can be further improved on clarity, conciseness, coherence or unity in some parts of the report. Or minor formatting, spelling, grammatical or referencing errors can be detected. 11 points Report is acceptable but lacks clarity, conciseness, coherence or unity in many parts of the report. Or obvious formatting, spelling or grammatical or referencing errors can be detected. 10 points Confusing report or partly incoherent report or many formatting, spelling, grammatical and referencing errors can be detected. Incomplete report. 9 points Irrelevant or incoherent report or not completed.


5/22/2018 7:41:03 AM

Content of report: Clear responses and understanding of the theory presented in the questions 30 points Displays excellent understanding of relevant theory in the question and demonstrates critical evaluation. 22 points Very good theoretical understanding of the question. Evidence of critical thinking. 18 points Acceptable understanding of theory in the questions and somewhat evidence of critical thinking. 15 points Limited understanding of relevant theory in the question. Not all questions completed. 14 points No evidence of understanding the theory in the questions or questions not completed.


5/22/2018 7:40:55 AM

Content of report: Demonstrates knowledge of relevant project management knowledge areas, PM theory and tools such as MS Project 40 points Demonstrates outstanding knowledge of relevant project management knowledge areas and PM theory. A critical approach to PMBOK and other evidence used. Excellent underpinning of argument, well linked to PMBOK and MS Project to the required tasks. 33 points Demonstrates very good knowledge of relevant project management knowledge areas and PM theory. Arguments could be further improved. Or further link to PMBOK and MS Project to the required tasks. 30 points Acceptable knowledge of relevant project management knowledge areas and PM theory. Few unsubstantiated arguments put together. Little linkage to PMBOK and MS Project to the required tasks. 25 points Limited understanding of relevant project management knowledge areas, PM theory and MS Project. Incomplete report. 19 points Irrelevant project management knowledge areas reported. Limited use of MS Project. Answers not related to questions or not completed.


5/22/2018 7:40:48 AM

Criteria Level 5 - HD Level 4 - D Level 3 - C Level 2 - P Level 1-N Project Introduction: Introduction is clear and consistent with the group project 15 points The topic is introduced in depth, succinctly and clearly allowing the reader to appreciate the importance and significance of the topic. Shows evidence of team collaboration 12 points The readers are made aware of the overall problem, challenge or topic that is to be examined. Clarity and conciseness can be further improved. Evidence of team collaboration present. 10 points The introduction is not well constructed and provides weak evidence to support the topic. Somewhat evidence of team collaboration. 9 points The readers cannot fully understand the topic due to incomplete report. Little evidence of team collaboration. 7 points Introduction is irrelevant to the project title or not completed.

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