Develop a matlab script file that draws the deflection

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM133289877

Mechanical Engineering Drawing

Project: Develop a program (script file) that draw beam deflection

Beam deflection
In engineering, the deflection of a beam is the degree to which the beam is displaced under a load, usually refer to a distance. Below are illustrations of deflection of two typical types of beam.

where, δ is the deflection. In general, it is a very small value compared to the length of the beam.

F is the external load, in N.
L is the length of the beam, in m.

The deflection δ is a function of x. The equations are given below.

For a simply-supported beam with load at the center:

δ = -F/48EL(3L2x + 4x3) (0 ≤ x ≤ L/2)

For a cantilever beam with load at the end

δ = F/6EL(x3 - 3Lx2)

where EI is the rigidity of a beam, related to the material and geometry of the beam.

Project description

Develop a Matlab script file that draws the deflection of an entire beam. Show both the deflected beam and its original shape. Your program will prompt the user to input the force F, length L, and rigidity EI, draw both the deflected and original (undeflected) beam, and show the max. deflection in the command window.

Following is the process of the program:

1. Prompt (and keep prompting) the user to select the type of the beam (simply-supported or cantilever, by entering "1" or "2").
• Only after the user inputs "1" or "2", the program will proceed to the next step.
• If the user hits the "Enter" key accidentally without entering a value, or entering a value other than 1 or 2, the program should not proceed forward but keep prompting the user to select the correct type ("1" or "2").

2. Prompt the user to input the force F, the rigidity of the beam EI, and the length L. Same as in #1, in the user hits the "Enter" without entering a number, your program will keep prompting the user to input a value.

3. After above values are entered, your program will draw the deflected beam and undeflected beam, and printout the max. deflection of the beam in the command window.

4. At the end, the program will ask if the user wants to continue by entering ‘Y' for "Yes" or ‘N' for "No".
• If the user enters ‘Y', the program will repeat the above steps to draw a new beam.
• If the user enters ‘N', the program terminates.
• If the user input any letter(s) other than ‘Y' or ‘N' (lower or upper case), or hit the "Enter" key without inputting (i.e., [ ] ), the program will keep asking until after either ‘Y' or ‘N' is entered.
• Your program should be able to handle both lower and upper cases of ‘y' and ‘n'. That it, when the user inputs ‘Y' or ‘y', the program will continue to make new drawing; when inputs ‘N' or ‘n', the program terminates. (--- i.e. it is case-insensitive for the user).

Verified Expert

The Load analysis of beam has been down in this assignment. When the load is applied on the beam how much deflection is shown by the beam and when load is applied on centred as well as on edge. For the graphical representation the MATLAB coding is done on matlab and graph has shown.

Reference no: EM133289877

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