Develop a marketing plan for your company

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131809069

Marketing Management - Text Book: Marketing Management 14 edition. Philip Kotler; Kevin Lane Keller


"Project Assignment" would be to develop a (Marketing Plan) for your "company" (your own creation). Your Marketing Plan must contain the "five basic elements" of a Marketing Plan.

Within each of the five elements there are sub-elements which are very important to cite and develop. (Hint....Review the sample from your Chapter # 2, pages 60 through 64)

Reference no: EM131809069

Questions Cloud

Explain the fundamental aspect of management : Provide an example of how each fundamental aspect of management might be carried out in this scenario.
Prepare two sales budget by quarter : Prepare two Sales Budget by Quarter, given the following information. Beginning A/R Balance is $25,000, collected in its entirety in the first quarter.
Determine the manufacturing overhead in dollars : resented below is selected information from the Access Company's current period accounting records: Determine the following (in dollars): Manufacturing Overhead
What is the effective interest rate : It has a life of 10 years and a face value of $5000. If it is currently selling for $4270, what is the effective interest rate? (Answer: 15.4%)
Develop a marketing plan for your company : "Project Assignment" would be to develop a (Marketing Plan) for your "company".Your Marketing Plan must contain the "five basic elements" of a Marketing Plan.
Develop a rough estimate for each division cost of capital : Corporations often use different costs of capital for different operating divisions. Using an example, calculate the weighted cost of capital (WACC).
Determine the yield to maturity : The bond's par or face value is $1000, and it is due in 9 years. Determine the yield to maturity (IRR) of this bond. (Assume that interest is paid annually.)
Determine the yield to maturity : The bond's par or face value is $1000, and it is due in 9 years. Determine the yield to maturity (IRR) of this bond. (Assume that interest is paid annually.)
Central role in stabilizing organization policies : Operation managers play a central role in stabilizing an organization's policies and procedures across major business areas including finance,


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