Develop a marketing plan for the business

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131397221 , Length: word count:1800

Capital City Finance and Mortgage Brokers (CCF & MB) Assignment

Section 1: Complex lending and broking

Only complete Tasks 1a for one (1) of the case studies in Section 1.

Case study A- Tom and Steve Broad

Task 1a - Identify the clients' complex broking needs

Prepare a list of questions that you would need to ask Tom and Steve about their history and experience, and the unit purchase.

In preparing your list of questions you should ensure that you cover the following:

The complex features of Tom's and Steve's situation and objectives.

Potential risks and Tom's and Steve's tolerance of risk. In considering risk you should consider:

  • how you would identify the risks and the criteria you used to evaluate these risks
  • how you would assess their current exposure, the tools you would use in terms of probability, impact and the consequences.

(800 words).

Section 2: Business management skills

Task5 -Growing the business

Having considered how you would go about building and nurturing relationships, George and Mildred now require you to turn your attention to marketing and promoting CCF & MB's business. This requires you to develop a marketing plan for the business.

In developing your marketing plan you should consider the following:

1. Your plan should be developed in line with CCF & MB's vision statement

2. The identification of target markets using a combination of research and your own personal experience

3. The identification of your major competitors (at least two) with a competitor analysis developed for each competitor

4. The identification of CCF & MB's market position based on your research findings and analysis

5. How you would promote CCF & MB's brand and the tools you would use to achieve this

6. The provision of options for increasing yield per existing client

7. How you would implement your plan and monitor it to ensure objectives/goals/performance indicators are being met

8. How you would adjust your plan if required.

(1,000 words)

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131397221

Questions Cloud

Would you rule out the claim with a type i error : Based on a test of 20 such devices, you find that X = 565. Assuming normality and that σ = 40, would you rule out the claim with a Type I error probability of 0.05?
What is the difference between product costs and period cost : What is the difference between product costs and period costs? What are the components included in each of the three types of inventory in a manufacturing operation?
Is the abstract specific and representative of the article : Is the abstract specific and representative of the article and Is the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction?
State the null hypothesis and perform the appropriate test : You get X = 240 based on a sample n = 25 components, and you want the probability of a Type I error to be .01. State the null hypothesis and perform the appropriate test assuming normality and σ = 4.
Develop a marketing plan for the business : Having considered how you would go about building and nurturing relationships, George and Mildred now require you to turn your attention to marketing and promoting CCF & MB's business. This requires you to develop a marketing plan for the business
Vanguard money market fund : You have money invested in Vanguard Money Market Fund (V) and Fidelity Money Market Fund (F). The Vanguard Fund account earns 7.2% interest while the Fidelity Fund earns 6.9% interest.
Determine two type of hedges regarding foreign exchange risk : ACC401- Determine two types of hedges regarding foreign exchange risk, in general, and recommend the most advantageous risk mitigation strategy for XYZ, Inc. Provide support for your rationale.
Compute the confidence interval : For the previous exercise, compute a 0.95 confidence interval and compare the result with your decision about whether to reject H0.
Simultaneous transmissions result in loss : Two transmitters independently send messages over a wireless channel. During each time slot, each transmitter sends a message with probability 1/2. Simultaneous transmissions result in loss of both messages. If X is the number of time slots until ..



2/17/2017 2:42:46 AM

This assignment is split over 2 sections. The information and data you need to complete Sections 1 & 2 is presented in case studies at the beginning of those sections and each task. When completing this assignment, assumptions are permitted although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the Case Studies. You may also be required to source additional information from other organisations in the finance industry to find the right products or services to meet your client’s requirements, or to calculate any service fees that may be applicable.


2/17/2017 2:42:32 AM

Australian student, I want just Task 1a (800 words) and Task 5 (1000 words) only. Please see page no. 11 and page no. 26. Total word required - 1800 words. You may use any format for your plan but it must address each of the points above. If you are unsure as to how to write a plan, you can refer to the Business Growth and Marketing topic and use the suggested SMEAC format outlined in Part 5, Section 12. When completing this task, assumptions are permitted although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the background information.

Write a Review

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