Develop a marketing plan for a product or service

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13917758

Assessment Task

Developing a marketing plan

Develop a marketing plan for a product or service of your choice from your own organization or any other local (Vietnamese) organization that you are familiar with.

In undertaking the marketing plan, you will need to gather and analyze data. Note that any such data, etc. will be treated in the strictest confidence. Where you wish to use data from your own organization, the University can provide you with a confidentiality letter that you may present to the organization, should it be required. In cases where you are unable to obtain data, you may employ a ‘guestimate'. However, you need to detail whatever assumptions you are making.

Your textbook (Kotler, 2014) outlines the contents of a marketing plan. This is a useful framework, and you may choose to adopt it.

Your plan should cover:

• Current marketing situation;

• Opportunity and issue analysis;

• Objectives;

• Marketing strategy;

• Action programs;

• Projected profit and loss statement;

• Controls.

Your marketing strategy and action programs need to be both practical and based upon sound marketing literature, i.e. you must be prepared to integrate the theory and concepts that you have studied into your plan. If you feel that too much ‘jargon' detracts from your plan, include such material in an appendix.

I'm expecting your plan to show rigour but it needs to be relatively brief which will be hard work. However, if you put effort into this, you should end up with a very useful and practical outcome.

Reference no: EM13917758

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