Develop a list of community resources related to career

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Reference no: EM133742546

Question: Experiential Learning Activity B: Resources List

School counselors present resources that are available for career development opportunities for students, families, teachers, and the administration. This involves researching community resources and making connections within the community. Resources may support referrals for consultation, community resources (volunteering, community service), ACT/SAT testing resources, college application resources, resume building, and tutoring.
Develop a list of community resources related to career counseling by consulting with a school counselor to evaluate and reflect on the importance of resource lists. Discuss scenarios in which students or families might be referred to an outside organization on the list.

Write a 250-500-word reflection on your discussion with the school counselor that includes the following:

Describe the rationale for developing the resource list.

Summarize your discussion with the school counselor about experiences referring students or families to outside resources.

Consider the following GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners and how this assignment supports your counselor identity development related to career readiness: Advocacy, Fairness, High Expectations

Reference no: EM133742546

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