Develop a letter for the organization leaders

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132014918

Assignment 2: RA 2: Report-Designing a Performance Management System

Each component of performance management is important, but the components cannot be used effectively until brought together as a performance management plan. This includes defining a system, developing appraisal instruments, explaining how instruments should be used, explaining the overall process so managers and employees know what to expect, and creating a feedback cycle and standards regarding the use of the information. All of this gets documented, typically in the form of a procedural manual that lets all parties know what their responsibilities are as well as what to expect. In 8-10 pages, you will design and implement a performance management system and develop a letter based on the needs of the organization.

Directions: BANKS Industries is still working on changes in how it manages employee performance. It has requested a document outlining the performance management system you recommend.

Part 1: Develop a letter for the organization leaders. In 1-2 pages:

• Recommend a performance management system based on organizational needs. Justify your recommendation using scholarly sources.

• Recommend an appraisal instrument for your client. Compare and contrast your appraisal instrument with at least one other instrument.

• Use a formal tone in consideration of your audience, the organizational leaders. The letter should follow formal business format standards.

Part 2: Performance Management System. In 6-8 pages:

• Create a set of performance management guidelines to be included in the procedural manual used to train managers. Your process should describe the performance management plan from a procedural perspective, defining actions that need to be taken and by whom. At minimum, define the type of performance appraisal tool you recommend; the frequency of use; and how the document will be completed, reviewed, and stored.

• Develop and include a sample appraisal form that best suits the needs of the client.

• Create a feedback communication plan, including guidelines for talking to employees about their performance and informing upper management of issues and an appeals process.

• Develop guidelines for ensuring proper use of performance information and ensuring ethical and legal compliance.

Your final product will be a Microsoft Word document of approximately 8-10 pages. Utilize at least five scholarly sources cited in APA format in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Reference no: EM132014918

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