Develop a leadership and strategy plan for health problem

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Reference no: EM132125170

Final Project - Leadership and Strategy Plan

For this Final Project, you select a pressing health problem affecting a community and develop a leadership and strategy plan for addressing the problem. You link this problem to a corresponding Healthy People 2020 objective(s).

Scenario - You are a new Health Program Planner recently hired by the Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota. Prior to your arrival, a comprehensive community health needs assessment was conducted by the Health Department. Based on the assessment, the following top five community health needs were identified.

  • Heart disease and stroke prevention
  • Diabetes screening
  • Physical activity
  • Maternal, infant and child health monitoring and treatment
  • Mental health and mental disorders screening and treatment

The executive director of the Lake Troubled Shallows Health Department has tasked you with targeting one of the aforementioned community health needs as a top priority during your first year. The director has asked you to develop a leadership and strategy plan to address your identified community health need.

As part of the pre-planning stage of developing your leadership and strategy plan, first select and match one the Healthy People 2020 objectives to one of the top five needs identified by the Health Department.

For instance, if you choose "physical activity," review the various physical activity objectives under the general Healthy People 2020 Objectives. Then, select a specific, measurable sub-objective.

You will need to review the current national data on your chosen objective.

Next, for purposes of this assignment, you should assume that the health status of individuals residing in Lake Troubled Shallows is representative of the overall health status of individuals living within Minnesota. You can go to the Minnesota State Health Department's website to find additional data on state level progress and resources to support your leadership and strategy plan.

Lake Troubled Shallows Health Department's Vision, Mission, and Guiding Principles -

Vision: Healthy People Living in Healthy Communities

Mission: To promote and protect health while preventing disease

Guiding Principles:

  • Evidence-based practices
  • Collaboration and communication with community members and partners
  • Education and outreach
  • Empowering people to make healthy choices

You have been given an initial program startup budget of $250,000 (including your salary and benefits) to aid you with initial program planning and implementation. (Note: you will develop an annual operating budget in the Assignment.).

The Executive Director of the Lake Troubled Shallows Health Department has asked that you submit a "Leadership and Strategy" plan to her within the next 2-3 months. The next section contains the required components of the plan that you must submit to her.

Assignment Instructions -

Once you have completed background research and identified a community health need, you develop a leadership and strategy plan to address it. Paper Format: 13-to 15-page paper (not including title page), APA format.

Leadership and Strategy Plan

  • Executive Summary (1 page)
  • Table of Contents (1 page)
  • Manuscript (see components list below)

The manuscript section of your Final Project will need to address the following components:

Introduction (1-2 pages): Select a problem from one of the five problems identified in the Background (Scenario) and match it to one Healthy People 2020 objective (sub-objectives that are measurable). Describe the rationale for selection of this problem and the magnitude of the problem (e.g., incidence, prevalence, impact on communities and society).

Strategic Plan (2 pages plus SWOT analysis worksheet, revised from Week 7): Use the SWOT analysis template completed in Week 7 as a starting point for this section. (You will include your completed template in the appendices of this Final Project.) For this Final Project, address the following based on your SWOT analysis:

  • Identify any connections between listed items in the quadrants (i.e., is there an opportunity that can be taken advantage of to address a particular threat or weakness?).
  • Propose strategies to maintain, enhance or leverage potential strengths (e.g., make appropriate assumptions about internal strengths of the Health Department).
  • Propose strategies to minimize weaknesses (e.g., make appropriate assumptions about internal weaknesses of the Health Department).
  • Propose options for leveraging or taking advantage of opportunities.
  • Explain the potential impact of threat/challenges and what you should do to address or prepare for the threat.
  • Explain potential strategic issues that the health department may need to address.

Program Description (2 pages):

  • Review the evidence for a program intervention-ideally, this will be quality, evidence-based public health information demonstrating best practices from peer-reviewed literature. Find at least three sources of evidence, preferably peer-reviewed.
  • Briefly describe the hypothetical program to address your chosen community health problem. Based on your SWOT Analysis, include 3-5 specific and measurable program objectives that you hope to accomplish within 1 year (Refer to SMART Objectives Template as a guide for developing appropriate program objectives).

Leadership Challenges and Systems Thinking (3 pages): (Refer to Weeks 1 and 2 Learning Resources.) Describe and explain the leadership approach you will take to execute your plan. Include the leadership style(s) you will employ and the leadership skills necessary to be effective including emotional intelligence and cultural competence.

  • Briefly describe how you will apply systems thinking to your identified community health issue in order to communicate to others (stakeholders) with regards to how your proposed plan may impact the community. A common systems thinking tool is a casual loop diagram. Please review the resources from Week 2 related to systems thinking and create a simple casual loop diagram that relates to your program development.
  • Note: You can use PowerPoint (go to "Insert" then "SmartArt") to create your casual loop diagram and copy and paste the graphic into the paper.

Ethical Implications (0.5-1 page): (Refer to Week 3 Learning Resources.) Describe anticipated ethical issues or concerns of your leadership and strategy plan. What are some of the challenges anticipated?

Engaging Communities and Building Constituencies (1.5-2 pages): (Refer to Week 4 Learning Resources.) Describe how you will engage community partners and key stakeholders. Describe key partners and stakeholders and the level of engagement needed. Discuss anticipated conflict resolution and negotiation skills that will be required.

Budgeting, Financing, and Human Resources (1-1.5 pages): (Refer to Weeks 5 & 6 Learning Resources.) You have been given a budget of $250,000 in initial start-up funds, which includes your salary and benefits. You must develop an annual operating budget (in addition to the $250,000 start-up funding).

  • Explain the funding issues related to your Final Project community health problem. Include such characteristics as whether these issues are long-or short-term, how urgent they are, and which stakeholders might be most affected. Identify in your budget any additional staff that you will need to hire, including a brief description of their roles and responsibilities.
  • Complete the blank budget worksheet provided (similar to the one you completed in Week 5) indicating the funding opportunities and costs related to the chosen project.
  • Based on your research, as well as the information included in the budget worksheet, recommend some potential funding sources (including grant funding) and explain why you recommend them. In your explanation, include variations in funding and how these variations influenced your decision making. You are expected to search various funding sources such as community-level grants, state funding, nonprofit associations, etc.

Performance Management & Health Informatics (2 pages):

  • (Refer to Weeks 8 and 9 Learning Resources.) Based on your SWOT Analysis, include 3-5 specific and measurable process objectives that you hope to accomplish within 1 year. (Refer to SMART Objectives Template as a guide for developing appropriate program objectives.)
  • Explain how you will measure the objectives identified in your program description to determine if you have reached them. Include a description of how you will get the data with which to evaluate your objectives. Remember the need to be realistic in your use of data sources and, wherever possible, aim to use data that are being collected by others (e.g., BRFSS -Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, America's Health Rankings report -State Health Statistics).

Conclusion (0.5 -1 page) In preparation for your final submission, you must now develop a thorough conclusion reviewing how the principles of leadership, governance and management all worked together to achieve your final plan. In this conclusion, you must also include a review of how empowering others, fostering collaboration and guiding/informed decision making addresses your identified issue and how it will help ensure strategy sustainability in the future.

Reference List (minimum of 8-10 credible references; e.g., peer-reviewed, governmental websites)

Appendices - The appendices will include completed versions of additional documents required to complete this Assignment:

  • SWOT Analysis Template (including SMART Objectives Template)
  • Excel Budget Worksheet.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

The overall assignment emphasized on the assessment of the incidence of diabetes and the use of diabetes screening in the Lake Troubled Shallow Department of Minnesota. After conducting extensive research, the incidence of diabetes has been profound hence, the department is looking forward to carry out certain definite strategic interventions, which will help them to reduce the supposed levels of the chronic condition from the inhabitants of Minnesota.

Reference no: EM132125170

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10/26/2018 2:45:31 AM

Post a description of the most likely key stakeholders and constituencies related to the community health outcomes addressed in your Final Project and explain why you chose them. Then, propose at least two strategies for identifying specific stakeholders and building coalitions and partnerships. Explain how you would apply these strategies. What would you anticipate as challenges? In other words, what would you foresee as barriers to opportunities in engaging and organizing communities? Explain why these challenges and barriers might exist. Be specific and provide examples. The assignment was done very well, I like that the work is done on time and it is prepared based on the instructions provided by my university. My professor marked it as competent, I will approach expertsmind soon again for my next couple of assignments.


10/26/2018 2:41:07 AM

Following the interview, please complete the following: Write a synopsis of your findings. Explain the relationship between planning and decision making in resource allocation in the strategic planning process. Discussion: Engaging Stakeholders One of the 10 essential principles of public health services is the mobilization of community partnerships to identify and address health problems. One reason is that health problems are multifaceted, stemming from many sources, potentially affecting many populations on different levels. Another is that resources are often limited, especially in times of financial downturns, and partnerships can enable organizations offering health services to maximize funds spent (Week 5 will explore this further). Thus, ameliorating health problems requires the minds, skills, and expertise of many working in concert. The ability to engage stakeholders and build constituencies to solve community problems is a vital skill in a public administrator’s toolkit.


10/26/2018 2:40:53 AM

Section III: Administrator Interview Synopsis (2–3 pages): An interview with a public health administrator on strategic planning. Your interview may be conducted over the phone, Skype, e-mail, or in person if you prefer. (Note: You must transcribe or summarize your interview and post it.) Prepare your thoughts and questions carefully in advance, so you can be succinct in your interview. In your interview, you should ask the interviewee questions such as the following, as well as any other questions you think are appropriate to the organization or individual you are interviewing: How often do you and your organization engage in the strategic planning process? How do you utilize the strategic plan? Please describe this plan. (For example, how detailed is it? Is it a long-range plan?) What are your thoughts about the strategic planning process? How well is it working? What are specific strengths of the process from your perspectives? Have you encountered any barriers or difficulties to overcome?


10/26/2018 2:40:40 AM

The Assignment: SWOT Table and Paper (4–5 pages): Conduct an informal SWOT analysis. The analysis should include the following: Section I: SWOT Table (1 page) A completed SWOT table listing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the public health leadership issue identified in your Final Project. Fill in the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the health problem identified. Then, provide a summary in which you describe your selected strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Why did you select these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats over others? Include some strategies for minimizing weaknesses and capitalizing on strengths and opportunities. Section II: Using the SWOT Analysis (1 page) A narrative explanation of the SWOT findings An explanation of how, as a public health administrator, you might use the information obtained in the SWOT analysis in strategic planning, decision making, and resource allocation


10/26/2018 2:39:59 AM

For this week’s Assignment, review the media, especially the media titled Strategic Planning. Consider how these health organizations use strategic planning to address public health issues. Then, review the SWOT analysis tool provided. This tool refers to a Community of Practice (CoP), but this template may be used for documenting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to your Final Project public health problem. If you prefer, you may create your own SWOT table. Section I Based on issues identified for the community health problem featured in your Final Project, review the SWOT analysis tool provided (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.-e). Section III Contact a health care/public health administrator involved in the strategic planning process. Conduct a brief interview (face-to-face, e-mail, or telephone) using the questions provided in the Public Health Administrator Interview Questions document in your Learning Resources.


10/26/2018 2:39:27 AM

Assignment: SWOT Analysis Draft Strategic planning is a primary function of leadership and management in public health administration. Leaders are critical in determining the optimal route (goals and objectives) to ensure the organization’s success. Strategy development and implementation is a journey that requires planning, and the organization’s “vision” is the idealized destination. Different paths, different stops, and different issues arise along the way. The art and science of planning should be embedded in the culture of the public health organization in order to positively affect population health status and meet health challenges at the local, state, regional, national, and even global levels. Although most public health professionals will focus on local, regional, or state responsibilities, the planning process—coupled with artful utilization of relationships and scientific utilization of planning tools—is salient at any level and for any type of public health organization.


10/26/2018 2:39:12 AM

Training/Education2,300.00 2,075.00 225.00 2,300.00 Marketing/advertising10,000.00 6,500.00 3,500.00 8,000.00 Insurance 14,000.00 13,800.00 200.00 14,000.00 Telephone 1,440.00 900.00 540.00 1,740.00 Web fees (website, meeting space, etc.) 1,250.00 732.00 518.00 2,050.00 Equipment 14,000.00 12,980.00 1,020.00 13,550.00 Supplies 15,000.00 14,000.00 1,000.00 16,000.00 Postage 300.00 286.00 14.00 275.00 Miscellaneous 2,700.00 2,587.00 113.00 2,600.00 TOTALS $249,890.00 $217,120.00 $32,770.00 $248,623.00


10/26/2018 2:38:43 AM

Appendix: Excel Budget Worksheet Table 1. Lake Trouble Shallows Project Budget Fiscal Year 2018: Revenue FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2018 REVENUE PROPOSED ACTUAL VARIANCE +/- PRIOR YEAR Fundraisers and events Foundation Donations Grants 250,000.00 Miscellaneous TOTALS $250,000.00 $ $ $ Table 2. Lake Trouble Shallows Project Budget Fiscal Year 2018: Expenses FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2017 EXPENSES PROPOSED ACTUAL VARIANCE +/- PRIOR YEAR Salaries 81,000.00 76,150.00 4,850.00 80,000.00 Benefits 80,000.00 65,000.00 15,000.00 80,000.00 Contract Labor 8,700.00 8,000.00 700.00 11,000.00 Rent 10,000.00 9,100.00 900.00 9,870.00 Utilities 3,600.00 2,760.00 840.00 3,478.00 Travel and meetings3,600.00 1,050.00 2,550.00 2,000.00 Professional fees2,000.00 1,200.00 800.00 1,760.00


10/26/2018 2:38:04 AM

This funding depends on health improvements in communities and funds availability. Thus, if awards fail to contribute to the diabetes screening project, public fundraising will be engaged (Eldredge et al., 2016). References Aschengrau, A., & Seage, G. R., III. (2014). Essentials of epidemiology in public health (3rd ed., pp. 437-444). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. Eldredge, L. K. B., Markham, C. M., Ruiter, R. A., Kok, G., & Parcel, G. S. (2016). Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach. John Wiley & Sons. Gapenski LC. Healthcare Finance (2012). An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management (5th ed., pp. 253-257). Chicago: Health Administration Press. Karola, K. (2018). Scoro. Wilcox, D. L., and G. T. Cameron. (2009). Public Relations Strategies and Tactics (9th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn and Bacon.


10/26/2018 2:37:15 AM

2.Funding Issues One area that determines the success of the diabetes screening is the availability of funds. Thus, the primary challenge of funding is due to an economic recession, which cuts specific programs. Another problem is funds cannot be used for another program. Thus, these budgetary cuts and challenges can lead to short- and long-term difficulties, even with state and federal guaranteed funding. As a result, to reduce these challenges, emphasis on personal health investment and environmental health, and health promotion campaigns, health awareness of diabetes, and wellbeing continue to be engaged. However, with increased economic inflations and budgetary cuts, it affects community participants and family members due to limited resources and funds. 3. Potential Funding Sources For diabetes screening project, funding includes fundraising event, donations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and foundation and Minnesota State General Funds. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Minnesota State General Fund provide the more substantial grants to diabetes programs in Minnesota


10/26/2018 2:36:44 AM

Further, communication can improve nutritional education, physical activity, and income programs to reduce, prevent and control diabetes among individuals living in poor communities, inadequate housing, lack of employment, lack of education, low-income or no-income, and improve these challenges by enhancing the quality of life shaped by the social determinants of health. 1.2. Principle/Tool #2 Allocation is another principle significant to budget and resource management for diabetes or diabetes screening. Allocating resources require costs which is the amount of services that can be provided, particularly the social programs for diabetes interventions, preventions, and control,planning, recruitment, and personnel dedicated to ensuring that the social programs are sustainable to improve environmental health that leads to personal health changes in individuals (Gapenski, 2012).


10/26/2018 2:35:49 AM

It is crucial when planning a budget and providing analysis and reports. The second tool is Centage. Centage has various means such as Maestros that helps the budget and includes timeline decisions for resource management and budgeting. Centage can give reports, forecast, and analysis (Karlson, 2018). Part II: Public Health Project 1. Basic Principles and Tools of Budget and Resource Management 1.1. Principle/Tool #1 One principle of budget and resource management is communicating with stakeholders. Communication is an essential aspect that expresses operational expectations within an organization, between managers and stakeholders, and other organizational-public relationships regarding the purposes of funding or grants. Wilcox and Cameron (2009) describe communication as the mutual exchange of dialogue between organizations and stakeholders. Thus, the use of communication as it relates to diabetes or diabetes screening can educate the public and dissemination public health information on health promotion and wellbeing, health awareness campaigns and health disparities, and inequities in diabetes screening.


10/26/2018 2:34:55 AM

Assignment Completed Part I: Basic Principles and Tools of Budget and Resource Management 1. Principles The basic principles and tools of budget and resource management must be planned to lead to organizational success, including planning, communication, and allocation. Planning provides an overall strategic financial plan within organizations, including health care services and public health organizations at large. Dialogue provides a clear understanding and awareness of the operational expectations within organizations or public health organizations. Allocation is a distribution of resources and income within organizations or public health organizations that realize the goals and objectives of the funds (Gapenski, 2012). 2. Tools Budgeting and resource management is a crucial activity in every organization. In the past years, companies have been making use of spreadsheets to come up with their budgets. However, with the improvement in technology, organizations have established advanced tools and software for budgeting and managing resources. Scoro is a useful tool for budgeting. It has budgeting features together with other devices that are interactive.


10/26/2018 2:33:36 AM

4. References American Diabetes Association. (2018). Economic costs of diabetes in the United States in 2017.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (CDC, 2018). Diabetes.Healthy People 2020 (2018). Diabetes. Shi, L., & Johnson, J. A. (2014). Novick and Morrow’s public health administration: Principles for population-based management (3rd ed.), p. 65. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning The Community Guide. (2014). Diabetes: Combined diet and physical activity promotion programs to prevent type two diabetes among people at increased risk.Unite States Preventive Services Task Force. (2015). Abnormal blood glucose and type two diabetes mellitus: Screening.


10/26/2018 2:32:42 AM

3. A List of Potential Resources for Data American Diabetes Association. (2018). The burden of diabetes in Minnesota. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2005). Economic burden. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Health burden: Diabetes prevalence Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Health burden: High blood pressure. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Economic burden: Mortality. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). State Medicaid Program. Minnesota Department of health (2014). Adults living with diabetes. Minnesota Department of Health. (2014). Blood glucose screening rates. Minnesota Department of Health. (2016). Diabetes in Minnesota. Minnesota Department of Health. (2013). Physical activity level in the adult population.


10/26/2018 2:27:34 AM

2. An Identification of How the Problem Relates to the Healthy People 2020 Priority Areas Finally, diabetes screening relates to one of the Healthy People 2020 priority areas of diabetes and other health-related risk factors, for example, overweight and obesity which fits in the Healthy People 2020 priority areas, such as physical activity and fitness to reduce the disease burden, improve individuals living with diabetes or at-risk for diabetes quality of life. Moreover, Healthy People 20202 aims to reduce the diabetes mellitus mortality rates among people with diabetes, to reduce cardiovascular disease deaths associated with people diagnosed with diabetes, to reduce amputations, and to promote health and disease prevention (Healthy People 2020, 2018; The Community Guide, 2014).


10/26/2018 2:27:20 AM

7.2 million people undiagnosed, 84.1 million adults aged 18 years and older with prediabetes, and 23.1 million adults aged 65 and older with prediabetes in the United States. Further, the increase in diabetes mellitus is the seventh leading causes of death, including kidney failure, blindness, and other health-related diseases (CDC, 2018). 1.2. Explanation Why It Is a Problem Moreover, diabetes mellitus (DM) is a significant public health issue in the United States. The economic burden with which diabetes mellitus has increased over the years has also increased medical costs regarding hospitalization, admissions, and readmissions. Furthermore, the diagnosis associated with diabetes mellitus has resulted in three and twenty-seven billion dollars in 2017, two thousand and thirty-seven billion dollars in medical costs, and ninety billion dollars in decreased productivity (American Diabetes Association, 2018).


10/26/2018 2:27:02 AM

Related Final Project Assignments completed: 1. Public Health Leadership Problem 1.1. Description of the Public Health Leadership Problem Diabetes mellitus is a significant public health leadership problem in the United States. It continues to rise in the United States due to biologic and genetic, early life, places people live, grow, work and age, and environmental factors shaped by socioeconomic status (SES) which impact personal behavior, income, education, and social determinants of health which affect the health status of individuals (Shi & Johnson, 2014). As a result, it is critical to propose strategic diabetes screening among persons living with diabetes mellitus or at-risk individuals to reduce the burden of diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes affects 30.3 million adults, 23. 1 million people diagnosed,


9/28/2018 12:29:49 AM

Paper Format: 13-to 15-page paper (not including title page), APA format. If you already have this document, did you discuss diabetes screening as it relates to Minnesota Department of Health? For this Final Project, you select a pressing health problem affecting a community and develop a leadership and strategy plan for addressing the problem. You link this problem to a corresponding Healthy People 2020 objective(s). For instance, if you choose “physical activity,” review the various physical activity objectives under the general Healthy People 2020 Objectives. Then, select a specific, measurable sub-objective.

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