Develop a java program that simulates the queues in a bank

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13781790


· Create and use queues


Develop a java program that simulates the queues in a bank.

Bank Queue Simulation Problem

Implement the event-driven simulation of a bank that this chapter described on pages 434 through 444. A queue of arrival events will represent the line of customers in the bank. Maintain the arrival events and departure events in an ADT event list, sorted by the time of the event.

The input is a text file of arrival and transaction times. Each line of the file contains the arrival time and required transaction time for a customer. The arrival times are ordered by increasing time.

Your program must count customers and keep track of their cumulative waiting time. These statistics are sufficient to compute the average waiting time after the last event has been processed.

Display trace of the events executed and a summary of the computed statistics (total number of arrivals and average time spent waiting in line). For example, the input file shown in the left columns of the following table should produce the output shown in the right column.

Input   File   Output
1          5        Simulation Begins
2          5        Processing an arrival event at time: 1
4          5        Processing an arrival event at time: 2
20        5        Processing an arrival event at time: 4
22        5        Processing a departure event at time: 6
24        5        Processing a departure event at time: 11
26        5        Processing a departure event at time: 16
28        5        Processing an arrival event at time: 20
30        5        Processing an arrival event at time: 22
88        3        Processing an arrival event at time: 24

Processing a departure event at time: 25


Submit the following

· UML diagram for the application

· Text file(s) containing the classes and methods

· Text file containing the results

Reference no: EM13781790

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