Develop a java application program for such a given scenario

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13836165

Programming Principles



This assessment item is designed to test your understanding of arrays/arrayLists, objects, classes, sorting and searching.

Assessment task

This assignment requires you to develop a java application program for such a scenario that a local department store manager wants to use it for calculating monthly commissions for N salespersons. N should be declared as a constant and set N=9 or N=10 for the purpose of test. The application also requires displaying, sorting and searching the sales data and corresponding commissions as shown in figures on next a few of pages.

Assume that the salespersons have just started the sales job in the local department store. Each salesperson earns only sales commission which is calculated by multiplying his/her monthly sales amount by the appropriate commission rate. The commission rate scheme has been set up by the store manager and is shown as below:

Sales Amount Commission Rate

$10,000 - $25,000 5%

$25,001-$50,000 6%

$50,001 - $75,000 8%

$75,001 - $100,000 10%

From the above table, it can be seen that the commission rate is categorized into four levels according to the sales amount. The more the sales amount, the more the salesperson earns. The application should ask the user to enter a salesperson name and his/her monthly sales amount (In terms of the unit of $1000. For example, If the entered number is 20, it means the sales amount is $20,000). Assume that the sales amount is an integer number between 10 and 100 (this means the actual sales amount is between $10,000 and $100,000), according to the statistical results of many year sales data. An error message should be displayed and re-entering data is required, if the user enters the sales amount beyond this range. In addition, the input of a salesperson's name must be validated in such a way that a valid name is assumed only to contain English letters and a space between first name and surname. An example of an invalid input of name can be shown in the Figure 8 on page 6.

The data of salesperson name, sales amount and the calculated commission (unsorted) were stored in three arrays (The sample data in Figure 2 on next page contain 10 records. You can enter these sample data to test your program functionality). You must use parallel arrays or ArrayLists in this assignment to store salesperson name, sales amount and commissions. Your application should display and 1
execute a menu with the following options. A switch statement must be used to execute the following menu options.

1. Input & validate data

2. Display

3. Sort by name

4. Sort by sales

5. Search by name

6. Search by sales

7. Display statistics

8. Exit

The details for each option are described as below.

1. Input & validate data

This option reads each salesperson's name, and sales amount for N people from the keyboard and stores them in separate one-dimension arrays/arraylists. Figure 1 shows a sample input for a personal data. If the input of sales amount exceeds the ranges defined on the last page, then an appropriate message should be displayed and the user should be asked to re-enter a new value. In addition, the input of salesperson's name also must be validated as required on page 1.

2. Display

This option displays the salesperson names, sales amount and calculated commission that are stored in Arrays/ArrayLists for all sales persons, as shown in Figure 2.

3. Sort by name

When this option is selected, the names of sales person are sorted in ascending order and this option also displays sorted names with their sales amount and commission data, as shown in Figure 3.You can use any sorting algorithm which uses at least two while loops and one if statement. A built-in sort should not be used.

4. Sort by sales

This option sorts the sales amount in ascending order and displays the corresponding changes of salesperson names, and commissions, as shown in Figure 4.

5. Search by name

When the ‘Search by name' option is executed and the user enters a salesperson's name regardless of the lower case or upper case in the name spelling, the sales amount, and commission for that person will be displayed as shown in Figure 5 (In this example, the salesperson's name - david sydney is entered). If the entered name doesn't match any existed one, it will show a warning message.

6. Search by sales

If the user selects this option and enters a particular sales amount, the running program will display the salesperson name and sales amount that are less than the particular amount. Figure 6 shows an example where the specific sales amount is $50,000.

7. Display statistics

If the user selects this option, the program will calculate and display the lowest and highest value of sales amounts and corresponding salesperson names, as well the median sales amount, as shown in Figure 7.

8. Exit

Selecting ‘Exit' option will exit the execution of the program.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Program design

You may use any design that meets the specification. However, a good design will adhere to the following guidelines:

• be logically correct

• be easy to read and maintain

• be well-designed

• use UML class diagram

• use following methods and class

public class SalesDataManager

public SalesDataManager( ) //constructor public void displayMenu()
public void inputData() public void sortByName( ) public void sortBySales( ) public void searchByName( ) public void searchBySales( ) public void displayStatistics( ) public boolean isValidName(String name)
public double calculateCommission(int salesAmount)
helper methods here if any
public static main(String [ ] args)


Testing is important. You should:

• list the different types of test cases.

• display the results of each test case.

Reference no: EM13836165

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