Reference no: EM133810993
The aim of this assignment is for you to develop a health promotion flyer and report that effectively addresses a health issue that impacts a vulnerable population group in Australia. The resource should be relevant, easy to understand, and visually appealing, utilizing principles of health promotion. This assessment will provide an opportunity to enhance your writing, research, and analytical skills, as well as your capacity to work autonomously while creating a health promotion resource.
Prevention of communicable diseases refers to the measures taken to reduce the spread of infectious diseases within a specific population or context. This can be achieved through various strategies, such as increasing public awareness about the disease, promoting good hygiene practices, providing immunizations, and implementing disease control measures. The choice of context and population can be based on a variety of factors, including the prevalence and incidence of the disease in that particular population, the population's demographics and risk factors, and available resources. The ultimate goal is to minimise the impact of the disease on the chosen population and to reduce the spread of the disease to other populations. Find Your Solution Now - Click Here!
Assessment Instructions:
1. Choose ONE of the 2 following areas:
• Prevention of a communicable disease:
• Examples:
• Influenza (the flu), Tuberculosis (TB), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B and C, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Meningococcal disease, Rotavirus gastroenteritis
• Immunisation to prevent a communicable disease:
• Examples:
• COVID 19 Vaccines, Influenza (the flu), Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR); Whooping Cough (Pertussis); Meningococcal disease; Hepatitis B; Human Papillomavirus (HPV); Pneumococcal disease; Chickenpox (Varicella); Polio; Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap)
2. THEN choose from ONE of the following population groups in Australia:
o Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders 4,
o Men, Women (or a population subgroup as appropriate) or LGBTQIA+
o Prisoners
o Refugees
o Rural and remote Australians
o Veterans
A. Flyer
Use the rubric criteria below to create a visually appealing flyer using software such as Adobe that clearly communicates the key messages about the health issue and its prevention for the population group.
1. Acknowledges the health literacy of the population group. The submission has a balance of pictorial and written elements. An imaginative and engaging approach to flyer. Clarity of expression (accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation).
2. Identifies and explains the importance of health promotion
3. Identifies how to undertake the health promotion activity
4. References are present on the flyer. Quotes are referenced if used. Images are referenced if they are "borrowed." All statistics regarding the chosen group have been referenced. A box or area on the pamphlet has all the references shown on the pamphlet (or on the opposite side of the pamphlet). Remember to use credible sources and appropriate APA referencing.
Flyer examples:
The flyer will need to have an appropriate balance of pictorial and written elements to adequately communicate your health promotion message. It can be a 1-page flyer or 3 pages folded pamphlet-style flyer. A4 size. You can use both sides if you wish.
The Adobe Suite is free to all Swinburne students. Please ensure that you use in-text citations.
Consider the following when creating your flyer:
Relevance to the target audience- think about health literacy and the level that you need to communicate? Use simple terms and simple English. Use Australian English. (See module 3 on health literacy to review the priniciples)
Clarity of message - is it clear what your topic is? Will the audience know right away or will they be confused?
Appeal to the target audience- who is your target audience- the parents, the patients at a clinic, the patients in a waiting room?
Use of visual aids and images- Ensure that the colours and fonts, images are not too "busy" and stick to using the same type of font throughout but change the size.
Use of health promotion principles using images, graphics, and other visual aids to support the message- ensure that they are appropriate for your audience. for example, if you have chosen immunisation, don't scare patients with a needle and blood on the flyer. Put a neutral image.
Consider the following when creating your report:
Provide evidence-based recommendations for how the health issue can be prevented in the population group
Explain why these recommendations are appropriate and how you will implement the poster/flyer-Why did you make those decisions? What is the rationale?
APA Report Template
Here is an APA template that you can use when submitting your assessment. It shows how to use headings as well. Click here. y (you can remove the title page or you can submit with the title page- marks will not be deducted either way).
B. Report:
Jse the rubric criteria below to create a report to support the rationale for your flyer (use if APA headings is recommended).
1. Background (can be 2 paragraphs if required). Includes background of the health issue. A description of your chosen health issue and the population group and also includes: the incidence and prevalence of the health issue in the population group. The risk factors, and the current prevention and management strategies. (approx. 200-300 words).
2. Identification of one relevant social determinant of health and explanation of its relevance. (approx. 100-150 words).
3. Explanation of the health promotion flyer and how it could potentially improve the social determinant of health. (approx.150-200 words).
4. Provide evidence-based recommendations for how the health issue can be prevented in the population group.
(Explain why these recommendations are appropriate and how you will implement the poster/flyer-Why did you make those decisions? What is the rationale?) (approx. 150¬200 words).
5. Include a reference page: Remember to use credible sources and appropriate APA referencing.
After you have chosen from 1 and 2, conduct a simple literature search through the Swinburne Library Databases on the health issue and the population group. Ensure that you have the following information:
o The incidence and prevalence of the health issue in the population group.
o The risk factors for the health issue in the population group.
o The current prevention and management strategies for your chosen health issue in the population