Develop a health organization disaster planning

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13310023

Create an outline for the following:

  • Develop a Health Organization Disaster Planning and Response Strategy that links federal, state, and local agency authorities and reflects the potential ethical decision-making that a health care leader may be confronted with.
  • This Power Point presentation will be shown to your facility's board of directors in their next planning meeting.
  • Include ethical theories and principles that support the infrastructure of the strategy.

The outline should include

  • Description of the ethical decision-making model
  • The goal(s) of the strategy
  • Details about using the ethical decision-making model of your choice
  • Types of ethical decision-making problems
  • Information on how federal, state, and local governments should distribute resources
  • Information on compensation and allocation of resources
  • A plan for deployment of personnel
  • A plan for preparing the personnel and facility
  • Practicing disaster preparedness competencies

Again this is just outline
The disater plan can be hurricane, tornado, earthquake, etc.
Also please include references.


Reference no: EM13310023

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