Reference no: EM132692906
Q1. Conduct some research on WHS in your state or territory and collect the following information: WHS Legislation - Find three relevant Acts of Parliament
Codes of practice - Find different codes of practices and provide their details in brief
Industry Standards - Find different Industry Standards and relevant Acts &Regulations
Q2. Define these terms and how they affect your role as a manager:
Codes of practice:
Advisory standards:
Q3. How can you ensure access to WHS information to people who do not have English as a first language?
Q4. Identify a list of resources that a business owner could use to ensure the effective implementation of WHS procedures in their business.
Q5. Research and report on the role, responsibility, and requirements of WHS Committees at workplace. How they are implemented in a workplace?
Q6. Outline a strategy to describe that how as a manger you could encourage employees and colleagues in WHS participation and introduce the importance of your state's WHS legislation. How you can maintain currency of the information provided to staff and colleagues?
Q7. Outline a strategy that could be used to ensure participatory arrangements are established and maintained with employees and their representatives within a small business. Include how you would document this process and make the information available to all employees to ensure you meet WHS legislative requirements.
Q8. You are to develop a generic ‘Incident Report' for a workplace. Also develop a policy / procedure to ensure that all incident reports that are completed and submitted are reviewed by management to allow for patterns of injuries, implementation of risk control measures, inadequacies in risk control measures and general WHS issues to be identified.
• (Prepare your ‘Incident Report' on a separate A4 white sheet included in this assessment pack at Page No 7)
Q9. What 5 procedures should be in place in a workplace environment for ongoing hazard identification and control measures to reduce the risks associated with the hazards?
Q10. At what stage or for what reasons would you find that expert advice should be sought in relation to WHS issues?
Q11. Describe the key principles of WHS policy / procedure to highlight the importance of WHS. Include the processes that should be undertaken when developing the policy / procedure. State the responsibilities of a Manager related to WHS during staff induction
Q12. What are legal requirements of WHS and continuous improvement strategies within the workplace? In your response include how you could measure the effectiveness of current WHS strategies in a workplace.
SCENARIO: You have been hired as the new WHS Officer at a very profitable National Electronics Company, called "Computers R' Us". You will play an important role in ensuring the safety of the workplace and the well being of the company staff. You are responsible to ensure compliance with relevant legislative requirements. They have a Head Office that is filled with about 20 Administration Staff (mostly in the call centre area taking phone orders) and they also have a warehouse that all the electronic equipment is stored in and dispatched from, and this has about 5 staff.
OBJECTIVE: You are required to demonstrate your ability to establish, maintain and evaluate WHS policies, procedure and programs.
As you work through each task below, you are to evaluate and refer to the "Computers R' Us" WHS Polices and Procedures that are attached at the end of this assessment task for your reference. (Appendix 1)
Note: for any tasks that require you to conduct inspections of a premises, the RTO environment will act as the simulated environment of the "Computers R' Us" premises.
Part A
Locate and evaluate the current WHS Policy and Procedure of "Computers R' Us". You will need to indicate relevant legislation that may not be currently mentioned in the Policy and Procedure and develop information that can be added.
Part B
Assume that there is no information availed to staff about their WHS responsibilities at the workplace. Produce an information sheet that covers the staffs' WHS responsibilities. It should be broken down into Employer responsibilities and Employee responsibilities.
Part C
The current "Computers R' Us" Policy and Procedure does not identify any financial or human resources that are required for an effective operation of the WHS system.
You are to rectify this issue by providing a description that identifies the financial and human resources required to be allocated for success of the WHS program.
Part D
Task 1: From your research into the WHS practices so far, you have identified that "Computers R' Us"
requires further development of participative arrangements.
You are to list different participative arrangements that you will establish to help WHS management and explain the reason for implementing each of them.
Task 2: "Computers R' Us" has held an WHS committee meeting and you have noted the following issues. Explain in detail how would you resolve the issues and list your recommendations specific to each point.
I. A light globe in the reception area of the office is flickering
II. The papers for the photocopier are stored on a shelf that is 6 feet high and requires a step-stool to be used to access it. Currently the staff use a chair in unavailability of a step-stool.
III. More than 50% of all office staff did not know the fire emergency evacuation procedure when asked to investigate
IV. There have been 3 reported incidents in the last 2 months of warehouse staff back injuries
Task 3: You are to write an email in formal manner to communicate to all "Computers R' Us" staff to provide them information about the outcomes of the issues raised via the WHS meeting.
Please prepare a document as if it would be formal email to be sent to the staff for the mentioned purpose.
Part E
Task 1.
You are provided a Hazard Identification Checklist annexed with this assessment pack at pages 15 and 16. Using the current ‘Hazard Checklist' you are required to conduct a safety inspection on the designated area within the workplace (which would be the simulated workplace environment for "Computers R' Us") and identify any safety issues. In completing the hazard identification checklist be sure to include a description of any hazards that are identified.
Once you have completed the hazard identification checklist you are required to conduct a risk assessment of the area. You would either mark, YES / NO / NA. You must develop a risk assessment table based on the issues marked as NO in your checklist, to identify the ‘likelihood' of the incident occurring (i.e. Certain, Likely, Possible, Unlikely) and the severity of the risk (i.e. Low, Medium, or High). You should list minimum of 6 to maximum of 8 issues and develop the risk assessment table.
Complete the table indicating the risk that any identified hazards present.. that means the points marked with option NO in the hazard checklist provided. You are required to submit a one page document as the completed the ‘Risk Assessment' tools against ‘Hazard Identification Checklist'
Task 2.
This task requires you to demonstrate your ability to analyse and review the safety inspection and risk assessment that you have undertaken.
You are required to write a description indicating the required Hierarchy of Controls that should be implemented to reduce hazards and risks identified. DO NOT copy paste Hierarchy of Control diagrams or images from internet, rather develop your own relevant to the assessment task. The purpose is to undertake appropriate courses of action to manage the safety of the work area and ensure safety of stakeholders. You should include specific recommendations on further action that can be taken to minimise any safety concerns for the area.
Task 3
Now that you have reviewed the Hazard Identification process (by undertaking it), you are to develop a new Hazard Identification Process to implement into "Computers R' Us".
This process will be added into the WHS Policy and Procedure.
Ensure that your process contains information on:
• Ongoing hazard identification
• Assessment and control of associated risk
• The additional processes that may be required to include hazard identification at the planning, design stage of any changes to the workplace
• The stage at which the business would seek WHS expert advice in relation to hazards and controlling risks
Part F
I. You are to develop an WHS induction and training program for new employees at "Computers R' Us".
In completing this task you will be required to identify the relevant types of information a new staff member should be presented with through an induction program and develop a checklist for the induction process to ensure all employees have been informed of the required WHS practices and information within "Computers R' Us".
Your ‘WHS Information Kit' should contain basic safety information such as:
• References to relevant legislation and a brief description
• Roles and Responsibilities to ensure safety within the RTO including requirements for WHS training
• Some basic safety practices and procedures (any relevant codes of practice or regulations)
• Information on ‘Duty of Care'
II. Research the above points and include the relevant information and references to where further information can be gained. In addressing the above points, you should provide a clear description of staff and management WHS requirements and a guide to how new staff members can gain further information.
III. You are then required to develop a checklist for the induction process to ensure that staff are made aware of their role and responsibilities when it comes to WHS at "Computers R' Us".
IV. The ‘Information Kit' and ‘WHS induction checklist' are required to be presented in format that is easy to understand and can be used at "Computers R' Us".
Attachment:- Ensure a Safe Workplace.rar