Develop a functional website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132196679

Assessment - Web site project


In this project, you will individually create a website -­ doing the planning, design, production, usability testing and publishing, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project will require research, self-­directed learning, and consultation with your tutor and lecturer.

The project is to (re)develop a site for the Townsville Community Music Centre (TCMC).

You will be provided with some content and a reasonable idea of the goals and target audience.

You have two separate milestones. These are summarised here with further details below:

Milestone 1 -­ Project Plan & Design Comps
Create a project plan, design comps and two developed pages.

Milestone 2 -­ Finished Product
Use the project plan and comps to develop a functional website. Your site should be "completed" by week 12, so that it is ready for usability testing.

Finished site components at a minimum are:

Important: These requirements are not specified as pages, but as features or functionality.

The information architecture is up to you, and the page titles are able to be changed.

The details and content should be based on what you have access to and what the client wants.

Home Page:
• with a clear purpose (goal-­driven) and relevant content

General Information:
• news, about, history, contact, sponsorship details, etc.

• Feature the special guests and life members as well as the management committee.

• Display any upcoming concerts or events and link to ticket sales.

Photo Gallery:
• Use a JavaScript photo gallery library to display photos attractively and interactively -­the style of the gallery should match your site

• Create an online form based on the old site's PDF file for becoming a benefactor.
• Create contact/enquiry/join the orchestra form or forms -­ you decide how best to handle this.
o You will be shown how to make your forms save results to a Google spreadsheet.
o You need to use JavaScript to validate your form data (e.g. users can't submit the
form if their name is blank).

Facebook Integration:
Show the orchestra's Facebook feed on your site,and provide a way for users to "like" the orchestra directly from your site.

You should not need to write much code here, just find and use existing JavaScript code.

Responsive Design:
Use CSS media queries to ensure your site is responsive and displays well on mobile phones, tablets, and desktop browsers in large and small windows.

Please note that it is acceptable to find and use code for parts of your site, but the work you submit must be substantially your own. You cannot use any content management systems or existing site templates/examples. Using existing JavaScript libraries and code samples to complete the JavaScript requirements is good practice and is encouraged. Note that marking for code includes identifier naming, formatting and commenting - whether this is your own code or something you have copied. If you use existing code that needs improving, then improve it.

You are allowed to use the Bootstrap framework (, but you may not use an existing template/example that you fill in. You can learn from them and build a new site using parts of them, but the design work must be substantially your own.

Note: if you do use Bootstrap, you should not edit the Bootstrap files, but should customise your site by using your own stylesheet files with new and overridden style definitions. This way you could upgrade the Bootstrap version and you would not have to change anything else.

Please ask in the #cp1406 Slack channel if you are unsure about what is considered acceptable.


Milestone 1 - Project Plan & Design Comps -

This milestone is the initial planning and early stages of the design and development of the site.

Complete the plan.html file with clear details, as follows:

Concisely state what the goals (purposes) of the website are. Note that the goals must be to improve something in a measurable way. Why is the site needed? How does it benefit the client? Be clear and specific. Good goal statements are only a few sentences and contain no unnecessary information.

Success Evaluation
Describe how the success of the site will be evaluated. How do you know that the site does what theclient wanted? Measure the goals you stated above.

Target Audience

Describe two things clearly and specifically:

1. the target audience that your site is intended for (be specific;; you can't aim for everyone)

2. how you will intentionally design the site to cater to this group (as distinct from any other, different target audience).

This section should contain a dot-­point list or table of the pages you intend to make and the contentto go on each of those pages. Create the flowchart based on this.

Site Flowchart
Create a site flowchart to show the hierarchy of pages in the site and their relationships.
Each page should be represented by one box. Each line/arrow represents a link. The order of boxesis the order these links should appear on the site.

If you don't have a preferred drawing program for flowcharts.
Save your flowchart as a PNG and insert the image in your plan file under this heading.

Project Links
Include links to your Trello board, GitHub repository and Slack group.

Design Comps & Developed Pages:
Create design comps (comp = comprehensive dummy, a good mock-­up of a page that clearly shows the intended design) for two "levels" or styles of pages. You may create your comps either as images (using a drawing program like Photoshop) or as Web pages.

Comps required:

Home page
Text-­based page designed for reading, not scanning (like About Us or something - this
depends on your plan and what pages you decide on)

Develop any two pages you choose using HTML and CSS.
(It is acceptable for your comps and developed pages to be the same.)

Important: The goal of your comps and pages at this stage is to show a complete, representative sample of all of the design elements your site will have. Your pages and designs should be completed as much as possible (with real text/images, not place-­holders). This should answer all of the future questions about things like what headings and body text will look like, how images will be treated, what navigation will look like, etc. Think of it as a form of "pattern library". An important goal of this milestone is to give your group and the project stakeholders something to discuss and evaluate. You may modify your design as much as you want for the final submission.

Attachment:- Assessment 2.rar

Reference no: EM132196679

Questions Cloud

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Justify relationship using specific vocabulary and concepts : Select a news article from a legitimate news source that reflects an issue of local, state, national, or international political significance.
Develop a functional website : CP1406 - Interactive Media and Web Technologies - Use the project plan and comps to develop a functional website. Your site should be "completed"
What effect an increase in demand will have on price : Suppose one of your friends offered the following argument: A rightward shift in demand will cause an increase in price. The increase in price will cause.
Describe the fishing market using what you have learned : Describe the fishing market using what you have learned about opportunity cost, marginal analysis in decision-making, and markets.
Relationship between demographic change and economic growth : Identify the relationship between demographic change and economic growth in the MENA region. How do resource rents and demographic change influence economic.
Discuss about growth and development of many countries : Economic Policy is important for growth and Development of many countries. The starkest example of what the gains and losses from policy can be comes.



12/18/2018 12:00:25 AM

HTML + CSS (developed page) worth double Content and design elements are all present, HTML & CSS used appropriately Content and design elements are mostly present, HTML & CSS mostly used appropriately Important content and design elements are missing, HTML & CSS problems Content and design elements are mostly missing, HTML & CSS problems Milestone 2 – Finished Site –30% This is the finished website, the result of you going through the complete design and development process. Assessment of this milestone is for completeness and quality. Submission Your lecturer will give you instructions regarding where to submit your final project.


12/18/2018 12:00:14 AM

Interface Design (comps) Design is professional, consistent, suitable for site goals and audience Design is fairly good, not as suitable for site goals and audience as it should be, minor inconsistencies across different pages Design is not suitable for site goals and audience, obvious inconsistencies across different pages Poor quality, not suitable for site goals and audience Information Design (comps) Text has been reformatted to be suitable for scanning and for this site’s goals, images enhance meaning of text Most content is well-formatted but some text needs to be made more scannable, images mostly help Some content is well-formatted but not all, contains large blocks of text designed for reading not scanning Text appears just copied from client content


12/18/2018 12:00:08 AM

Information Architecture (based on plan) Content has been thoughtfully organised to be suitable for site goals, calls-to-action are clearly used Content is mostly well-organised, not sufficiently goal-driven Not all content is well-organised, missing clear calls-to-action Content placement seems illogical


12/18/2018 12:00:00 AM

Content All content is clearly listed by page, well organised Content is mostly well organised Some content is missing and/or organisation is poor Missing content and poor organisation Flowchart Clear layout, shows hierarchy and page/section relationship, correctly shown as one box per page Diagram is sufficient but lacks clarity Diagram has mistakes in it (e.g. not every box is a page), inconsistent or incorrect visual language used Diagram is unhelpful, hierarchy is not represented


12/17/2018 11:59:54 PM

Success Evaluation Specifically explains how the mission (improvement) will be measured (quantified) Measurement is not the best match for the actual mission, or does not use quantifiable metrics Does not measure the actual mission or does not use quantifiable metrics Vague or inappropriate success definition (e.g. hits) Target Audience Clearly identifies a specific target group, and specifically describes how the site will be designed to suit that target audience Audience definition lacks clarity, description of site design is not specific enough to suit the target audience Audience definition is too broad or too narrow, does not clearly describe site design for the target audience Audience is vague or inappropriate, does not describe site design for the target audience


12/17/2018 11:59:45 PM

Please follow all the instructions carefully. Go through all of them and create a attractive website. Follow the milestone pattern and submit two files as Milestone-1 and Milestone-2 Exemplary (3 marks) Satisfactory (2 marks) Marginal (1 mark) Unsatisfactory (0 marks) Mission Mission is clear in the first sentence, contains goals for the improvement of the company that are measurable, does not contain unnecessary or vague content Statement is not as clear as it should be, contains unnecessary information, too brief or too long Statement is vague, not clearly measurable, too brief or too long, goals are not to do with the company that would be paying for the site No discernable mission, nothing measurable, inappropriate length

Write a Review

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