Develop a free web tutorial for computer science

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13545161

Develop a free web tutorial for computer science background. the aim of the project is to develop a free web tutorial exclusively for computer science students; the target of the project is to provide the required facilities to learn with less effort for searching. the web tutorial includes books, videos, explanations,question papersand other services. the web tutorial can be accessed from anywhere at any time rather than borrow the books from a library. With writing a paper about the steps and the information collected to make the web.

Reference no: EM13545161

Questions Cloud

Calculate what is the average speed of the river : A river 24.0 m wide and 5.0 m deep drains a 3000.0 km2 land area in which the average precipitation is 48 cm/year. What is the average speed of the river
Is there really an outward force pressing them against wall : In a "Rotor-ride" at a carnival, people rotate in a vertical cylindrically walled "room." pt a If the room radius was 5.2 , and the rotation frequency 0.35 revolutions per second when the floor drops out, what minimum coefficient of static friction k..
Compute what is the recoil speed of the riffle : A riffle with mass 3.00kg fires a bullet with mass 3.50x10^(-3)kg at a speed of 330 m/s. What is the recoil speed of the riffle
Flashlight batteries- nichrome wires of different lengths : Two Nichrome wires The following questions refer to the circuit shown in the figure, consisting of two flashlight batteries and two Nichrome wires of different lengths and different thicknesses as shown (corresponding roughly to your own thick and..
Develop a free web tutorial for computer science : Develop a free web tutorial for computer science background. the aim of the project is to develop a free web tutorial exclusively for computer science students
Find the emf induced in the wire : The area enclosed by the wire loop in the figure below is reduced from 31 cm2 to 13 cm2 in a time interval of 0.13 s. Find the emf induced in the wire
Estimate the magnification of the image on the film : A lens for a 35-mm camera has a focal length given by f = 67 mm. What is the magnification of the image on the film
Determine the volume of the cavities in the casting : An iron casting containing a number of cavities weighs 6500.0 N in air and 3500.0 N in water. What is the volume of the cavities in the casting
Bullet is fired straight up at a falling wooden block : A 0.00893-kg bullet is fired straight up at a falling wooden block that has a mass of 1.80 kg. The bullet has a speed of 551 m/s when it strikes the block. The block originally was dropped from rest from the top of a building and had been falling for..


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