Develop a formal plan for your paper in form of an outline

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Reference no: EM132276997

Question: Academic writing to summarize a literature review requires forethought and organizational skills. Very few scholar-practitioners produce only one draft of a paper, and most start with an outline to identify the points to include in the paper and the ordering of these points. Typically, outlines are revised during the process of writing.

During this assignment, you will practice using an outline format to list the major content areas that you plan to include in your Final Project and the subtopics within these. You will also practice organizing the order of these major content areas and subtopics within these. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a formal plan for your paper in the form of an outline and receive feedback from your instructor. Next week, you will have the option of revising the outline you submit to your instructor during this week's assignment and resubmitting the rewrite next week.

To prepare for this Assignment:

• Review the Final Project instructions.

• Review your Final Project case study and focus subject choices.

• Review your scholarly references pertaining to the case study.

Submit by Day 7 a comprehensive outline that lists and explains the topics you intend to address in your Final Project, along with the way in which you plan to organize these topics. Use complete sentences and follow APA format for in-text reference citations and a reference list.

Reference no: EM132276997

Questions Cloud

Alignment of the is strategy with business strategy : Alignment is critical at the organizational level. The kind of alignment we are talking about here is alignment of the IS strategy with the business strategy.
Importance of an integrated solid waste handling system : MHF724600 - Advanced Solid Waste Management - Caledonian College of Engineering - Describe appropriate methods to minimize the impact to the public health
Types of populations and diagnostic mental health categories : What types of populations and diagnostic mental health categories would be most inclined to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and behavioral theories
Mission and vision and strategic management plan : What are Zappos six critial elements : Mission and vision-Strategic management plan-organizational culture
Develop a formal plan for your paper in form of an outline : During this assignment, you will practice using an outline format to list the major content areas that you plan to include in your Final Project.
What is best type of marketing research : What Is the Best Type of Marketing Research?
Know your target audience : Know Your Target Audience (Supply Chain Logistics) You have been asked to Present to the International Association of Logistic Students in Detroit, Michigan.
How would you apply the principles : "Bill is a young professional who comes to you for help. He earns a very good salary (+$100,000) leading a team of salesmen, but he is unhappy in his job.
Result of reading business communication : A "close" is a compelling call to action that lets the reader know what s/he should do as a result of reading a business communication.


Write a Review

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