Develop a focused approach to the research

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Reference no: EM133052863 , Length: word count:1500

REM502 Research Methodologies - Assessment: Annotated Bibliography Report

Learning Outcome 1: Build appropriate research design suitable to the context

Learning Outcome 2: Select and critically analyse published resources

Task Summary

This assessment is designed to enhance your skills in creating and formulating appropriate research design. To do this, you need to set clearly defined boundaries around what is being researched.

Setting the boundaries of a research project is an essential step in Software Engineering research. Therefore, you need to develop a focused approach to the research, starting with existing literature. Developing abstract, initial research questions, and aims and objectives help focus your literature search. Focusing the research direction helps the researcher in choosing the literature needed for the annotated bibliography.

This assessment is to write an Annotated Bibliography Report, which will lead towards defining your Research Proposal (Assessment 3). This assessment is the beginning step of the literature search and will help you to conduct a literature review.

The Annotated Bibliography Report is an individual assessment and covers 30% of your overall grade. Your report should be of 1500 words (+/- 10%) include the following key elements:
• A title
• A brief abstract (200-250 words)
• Research questions
• Aims and Objectives
• Annotated bibliography (1000+ words)
It is important to include the University ethos "Here for Good" into your ideas for your proposed research.

Task Instructions
Write an Annotated Bibliography Report. Your report should include the following key elements:
• Title
The title of a research project is usually a single concise sentence that accurately reflects the proposed research.

• Abstract
An abstract is a 200-250 summary of the research project. Abstracts do not generally contain references. Abstracts are often rewritten - at this stage; it should guide and focus on the direction of the research. Consider this abstract a first draft; it will and should change depending on where the research leads. Abstracts sit at the very beginning of the Research Proposal and sit just below the title.
• Research Question(s)
The Research question(s) should be included in this submission: What is the key question(s) that the research is going to answer? For a small research project, one or two research questions should suffice.

• Aims and Objectives
o Aims: What is the overall goal of the research: what is the aim? What are you trying to find out or establish? The aims will be related to the research question(s). Usually, only one or two sentences.
o Objectives: Covers the steps that will be taken to get to the final result. The objectives are an explanation of how the research question will be answered. Objectives are a general overview of the research approach. Usually, only two to four sentences.

The research question(s) and aims and objectives will later form part of the introduction of your final Research Proposal (Assessment 3). These may change depending on what is found in the literature search, and as the methodology is established.

• Annotated Bibliography (1000+ words)
- An annotated bibliography, which reflects the academic papers, books and other peer- reviewed literature could be arranged chronologically or alphabetically according to author name.
- The APA referencing style should be used.
- Include a short paragraph summarising each research document that you have reviewed. DO NOT JUST CUT AND PASTE THE ABSTRACT. The paragraph for each piece of research is your summary of the findings in relation to your research question and aims.

In other words, each entry in the annotated bibliography should take the structure:

1. Reference in APA Style
2. One paragraph summary

Attachment:- Research Methodologies.rar

Reference no: EM133052863

Questions Cloud

How is normally the cultural factor measured : 1. Why and how does cultural factor affect CBAs motivation or performance?
Synthesize the findings with industry practice : Synthesize the findings with industry practice for Competitive Intelligence Practices and Organizational Performance Linkage: A Review Dian Aszyanti Atirah Mohd
Develop a business continuity plan for a university : How to develop a business continuity plan for a University, where to start? What aspects of the business would the plan address?
Spending-savings goal articles : Give detailed summary of what you learned from the article. The summary should be written using complete sentences and proper grammar and punctuation.
Develop a focused approach to the research : What are you trying to find out or establish? The aims will be related to the research question(s). Usually, only one or two sentences
Educate employees about the organization : As the owner of an athletic facility (e.g., fitness center), how you will use training sessions to educate employees about the organization's risk management po
Why did amazon expand to china : International Journal of Case Studies In Management Volume 16 Issue 1 March 2018 Competing with Dragons: Amazon in China Case prepared by Pengfei LI
Estimated return on investment : Would a company evaluating a project proposal accept a project if the estimated return on investment (ROI) exceeded the cost of capital by half a percent?
Boost juice in a global-digital marketplace : After identifying a trend for juice in the United States and studying the local retail sector to find there was a lack of healthy fast food choices Janine Allis


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