Develop a flowchart and provide a brief explanation for it

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13897700


A middle school has decided that it would like to make its students' grades available to their parents via an online parent portal. In addition, this system will allow for important announcements to be posted. The school has decided that a system will be developed in-house to complete this project. In doing so, a number of processes need to be identified during the planning of the project.

Some of the processes for teachers can include:

Logging in to the system

Uploading grades

Posting announcements

Some of the processes for parents can include:

Logging in to the system

Accessing and reading important announcements

Viewing student grades

Sending an e-mail to the student's teacher via the system on questions regarding the student's grades

Based on the scenario, choose any of the processes, for teachers or for parents, and complete the following tasks to create a report in a Microsoft Word document:

Define the problem and the current need in the given situation.

Create a hierarchy chart depicting the chosen situation.

Develop a flowchart and provide a brief explanation for it.

Develop an algorithm and provide a brief explanation for it.

Explain how arrays can be used within your choice.

Support your responses with appropriate research, reasoning, and other examples.

Reference no: EM13897700

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