Reference no: EM132474809
BSBLDR502 - Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships - Tas College
Assignment Part 1: Case Study & PowerPoint Presentation
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to plan communication systems.
Task Summary
Part A: Communications planning portfolio
Question 1. Review the scenario in Appendix 1, particularly the background to the simulated organisation, current change issues, communication and consultation needs, and information about your role as Communications Consultant.
Question 2. Review JKL Industries simulated business documentation, including strategic plans and operational plans. Note what the organisation does, how it does it, what its goals and objectives are, and who its stakeholders and customers are.
Question 3. Develop a draft communications strategy for meeting organisational needs that includes:
a. 2-3 communications objectives
b. at least two different audiences, for example, senior management, work teams, or individual employees
c. at least two methods of communication or media
d. at least two provisions to facilitate bottom-up consultation (from employees to management); for example, consultation on employee health and safety, consultation on continuous improvement of work processes, consultation on employee conditions and pay, or consultation on job roles and performance expectations.
Note: Ensure you also provide for management feedback on consultation back to employees.
Question 4. Develop a short (less than one page) grievance procedure ensuring that it is consistent with and supports the grievance policy in the JKL Industries simulated business documentation.
Question 5. Draft an information memo/email to all team members introducing the new policies and procedures across the entire organisation, seeking feedback and providing information from the consultation process with management.
Question 6. Submit your portfolio in accordance with quality specifications outlined below.
Part B: Presentation to the senior management team
Research, plan and deliver a 10-15-minute presentation to senior management and an employee representative (one role-played by the assessor, the other role played by another group member) on your proposed communications planning.
Question 1. Prepare a business presentation in response to the scenario described in the Appendix 1 case study. You should consider the following in your presentation:
a. Audience needs and relevant interpersonal skills you will need to deploy to win support for your ideas.
b. Organisational needs:
i. internal strategic needs, goals and objectives
ii. external regulatory or legal requirements, such as for WHS consultation, anti- discrimination or industrial relations
iii. business ethics requirements.
c. Your proposed approach to communications and consultation to meet organisational and audience needs:
i. Prepare to explain your draft communications strategy, organisational policies and procedures, and how such communications systems and policies can support a coordinated approach to developing effective work relationships.
d. External legal requirements such as WHS, anti-discrimination and industrial relations.
Question 2. Arrange a time and location to deliver your presentation to the team.
Question 3. Deliver the presentation to the senior management team. Ensure you deliver your presentation in accordance with deliverables and quality specifications outlined below.
Question 4. Discuss the content and seek approval from the management to put the communication plan into action and release the document across the organisation to seek feedback. Have each member of the consultative meeting (role-play participants) sign the approved and endorsed document.
You must:
• submit a communications planning portfolio that includes:
• a communications and consultation strategy
• a short grievance procedure.
• draft email/memo
• deliver a 10-15-minute presentation on your proposed communications strategy, including discussion, approval and sign-off for release.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of your ability to:
• provide leadership through your own behaviour including professional conduct that promotes trust with a business audience
• explain how communications systems, policies and procedures can support the development of effective work relationships
• explain how your communications strategy addresses legislative or regulatory requirements
• interact with others through:
• building professional trust
• demonstrating high level support and facilitation skills and your ability to engage and motivate others
• get the work done through:
• taking public responsibility for planning and sequencing complex tasks to achieve organisational goals
• developing processes and plans for complex communication activities with strategic importance
• analysing information to inform decisions about organisational communications strategy
• identifying opportunities for improvement in communications
• develop processes to manage ideas and information including:
• communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
• facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
• providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations across the entire organisation.
• resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
• demonstrate writing skills through:
• researching and preparing plans and policies incorporating appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions.
Assignment Part 2: Case Study / Question & Answers
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to establish systems to develop trust and confidence and manage the development and maintenance of networks and relationships.
Assessment description
For this Assignment Part, you will read and respond to a scenario by answering a set of written questions.
1. Read the scenario in Appendix 1. Pay particular attention to diversity and networking issues and information about your role as Brisbane Branch Manager.
2. Review the JKL Industries simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures.
3. Read the questions given below related to the scenario.
4. Create a document with written answers to the questions.
5. Submit a print or electronic version of your document containing answers to the questions in accordance with the specifications set out below
For the following scenario-based questions, put yourself in the position of the new Brisbane Branch Manager and answer the questions accordingly.
Question 1:
An employee has complained to you that some members of your team have not made any effort to accommodate non-Christians in this year's Christmas celebrations. The employee feels excluded and disappointed that an opportunity to bring the team together has instead divided the team along religious lines.
Draft a response to the employee's complaint.
• Greet the employee respectfully, thank them for bringing this concern to your attention and reinforce the message that JKL Industries values the important principles of trust and confidence among the teams and overall organisation.
• Describe at least two pieces of JKL Industries' policy or procedure that conflict with the team's behaviour towards the employee.
• Identify one piece of relevant legislation that has informed the JKL policies and reinforced the company's commitment to becoming an industry leader in cultural diversity and ethical values.
• Describe how policies and processes can help to promote cultural diversity, ethical values and relationship-building.
• Describe any changes or additions you would make to JKL Industries' policies or processes, including future communications intended to implement and raise awareness of these documents.
• Explain how you intend to approach the team to resolve this particular issue fairly and how that will be consistent with organisational policy and the desire to further promote cultural diversity and ethical values.
Question 2:
To respond to the issue described in question one, you have decided to meet with the team to directly address the behaviour.
Plan and conduct a role-play meeting to address the issue with the team. (Assessor and group members to play parts of organisational team.)
? Use the following bullet points to plan how you will conduct the meeting. Consider a sensitive introduction to the matter that led to the need for this meeting
? Reinforce the message that JKL Industries values the important principles of trust and confidence among the teams and overall organisation including dealings with external clients.
? Describe what potential problems may occur if the team ignores this matter and outline the benefits of arriving at a suitable resolution.
? Explain the consequences of unacceptable behaviour, while maintaining trust and avoiding the impression of taking sides.
Question 3:
As a manager new to the Brisbane area, you feel that you need to develop contacts with people internal to the organisation, such as managers, and external people, such as suppliers, business networks, managers' networks and mentors.
How would you approach networking to achieve goals?
In your written response to the above question:
• Describe how networking with internal and external people could help you build positive relationships to achieve organisational and professional goals. What networking or networks would you suggest?
• Describe a situation in which you have previously joined a network to achieve organisational or professional development goals. Describe the purpose of that network and comment on:
• how you built stronger relationships within the network
• the result of the networking for you personally
• how your involvement benefitted your team and organisation.
• Research an online network relevant to the scenario that would be appropriate for you to join as a manager. (E.g. LinkedIn provides many free opportunities for similar purposes.) Address the following based on your research experience:
• Provide the name and the purpose for the online network that you explored.
• Provide a link to an article that you found useful as a supervisor or manager.
• Describe the potential identifiable benefits for your team and organisation if you applied concepts from the network contributions.
• Research an article from another source that you think is helpful for management development, and that you would consider posting in this network forum. Explain:
- the general topic of the article and provide a link as reference
- why you personally found the article helpful
- how the article could assist managers with identifiable/measurable outcomes for their teams.
Question 4:
Think about your current internal and external relationships related to your working life. Using the Networking Plan template in Appendix 2, develop a plan for maintaining effective internal and external relationships.
Using the template provided in Appendix 3:
1. Prepare a plan to develop and maintain internal and external relationships, including a schedule for the next three months.
2. Provide a rationale for each activity.
Assessment 3: Project work & Role-play
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to manage difficulties and conflicts to achieve positive work outcomes.
Question 1. Read the scenario and role-play information in Appendix 1.
Question 2. Review and familiarise yourself with the JKL Industries simulated business documentation, including strategic plans, operational plans, and policies and procedures sections. Note what the organisation does, how it does it, what its goals and objectives are, and who its stakeholders and customers are.
Question 3. Plan to follow and implement strategies to identify and resolve grievances at the lowest possible level within JKL Industries by leading a role-played guidance session for a peer manager in response to the scenario.
Question 4. Complete the first section in the action plan template provided in Appendix 2 to record the nature of the grievance.
Question 5. Plan how you will:
a. build trust with your colleague through assuming a calm, professional and emotionally receptive attitude and demeanour.
b. adjust your personal communication style appropriately to meet the needs (both emotional and technical) of your colleague.
c. discuss relevant grievance policies and procedures for resolving conflict in accordance with organisational and legislative requirements.
d. discuss strategies for identifying root causes of conflict and for resolving the conflict.
e. collaborate with your colleague to develop an action plan (completing the one from Appendix 2 you have already begun to implement by leading this session), including at least three actions your colleague can take to resolve the issue with their employee.
Question 6. Arrange a time and place with your assessor to participate in the role-play.
Question 7. Perform your role-play in accordance with the specifications set out below and record the details of the meeting in the action plan provided in Appendix 2 and agree on implementation timelines.
Attachment:- Lead and manage effective workplace relationships.rar