Develop a digital marketing strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133246315

Digital Project

Assessment - Digital Marketing Strategy Report

You have choices (an organization of your choice). Option: Organisation of your choice

Your group should select an organization of your choice (this could be business to business, business to consumer, or a third sector organization). Please try not to use a global organization. It makes it difficult for make recommendations.
For both options

As a group you should take on the role of a digital marketing agency, assess the current market situation and develop a digital marketing strategy that will give future direction.

This report should follow the SOSTAC Framework (see lecture notes and readings) to:

Question 1) Critically Assess the company's current online presence (situational analysis)

Question 2) Develop a digital marketing strategy (here you must include the SOSTAC Framework of SMART objectives, strategic decisions, tactics, actions and controls)

Attachment:- digital project assessment.rar

Reference no: EM133246315

Questions Cloud

Theories of culture and international management : List theories of culture and international management to address the challenges of managing individuals, groups and organisations
Introduction of a market-based economic system : How did the introduction of a market-based economic system allow for greater exploitation of natural resources and human labor?
Development of corporate strategy : Discuss how a company's internal environment might affect the development of the corporate strategy.
Reasons for advocating the prohibition of alcohol : Before beginning to work through the 12 modules about prohibition in Canada, it is important to try to get a handle on what we all already know about the prohib
Develop a digital marketing strategy : MARK09019 Digital Project - University of the West of Scotland - Develop a digital marketing strategy (here you must include the SOSTAC Framework
Compare the data to determine where relationships may exist : Compare the data to determine where relationships may exist. For example, you may ask if there is a relationship between education and income levels
Foundation of islamic expansion : Fred Donner presents a very interesting picture of the foundation of Islamic expansion. What arguments does he make about the structures of Muslim administratio
Whs management system : List five types of WHS records an organisation should maintain to evaluate and monitor the WHS management system.
Characteristics of religions : After reading Chapter 2 "Talking About Religion" : Apply the 'Characteristics of Religions' discussed on pages 12-15 to your own experience (or someone you kno



10/17/2022 12:17:01 AM

Please pay attention to all the information and what needs to be done. You will find a document that must be completed following the coursework plan. Please make it for second-year students.

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