Develop a detailed set of safety protocols for construction

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133635886

Early in the 1970s, when recombinant DNA research was first developed, scientists realized that there may be unforeseen dangers, and after a self-imposed moratorium on all such research, they developed and implemented a detailed set of safety protocols for the construction, storage, and use of genetically modified organisms. These guidelines then formed the basis of regulations adopted by the federal government. Over time, safer methods were developed, and these stringent guidelines were gradually relaxed or, in many cases, eliminated altogether. Now, however, the specter of bioterrorism has re-focused attention on the potential misuses of recombinant DNA technology. For example, individuals or small groups might use the information in genome databases coupled with recombinant DNA technology to construct or reconstruct agents of disease, such as the smallpox virus or the deadly influenza virus.

Reference no: EM133635886

Questions Cloud

Dealer or agent for new issue to collect expressions : What document allows a dealer or agent for a new issue to collect expressions of interest for the offering as a way of determining whether there is sufficient
Why do animals have thicker skin compared to other animals : Why do some animals have thicker skin compared to other animals and give me the word cite of the answer?
What the is diagnoses codes : what is the External Cause codes for this injury and what is the procedures codes - what the is diagnoses codes
Think about what you want your clients to take home : Think about what you want your clients to take home after they leave your class to remember key important points. Make it fun and informative
Develop a detailed set of safety protocols for construction : They developed and implemented a detailed set of safety protocols for the construction, storage, and use of genetically modified organisms.
Doctor should be accused of negligence : crucial to understand the "4 D's" of negligence when reviewing cases where a patient believes their doctor should be accused of negligence
Discuss how these intentional torts can be prevented : Definition of the intentional torts you have chosen. Discuss how these intentional torts can be prevented in your chosen medical field (respiratory therapy).
Research the mechanisms behind sex determination : Choose a species or a group of related species. You may choose any species that has some form of sex determination (it doesn't even have to be an animal!).
What can you do to build on your strengths : What can you do to build on your strengths and opportunities? What can you do to minimize your weaknesses and threats


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Biology Questions & Answers

  Is the topographical model a better model

Is the topographical model a better model than Freud's structural model? Why or why not?

  Consider the variation in reproductive systems

Consider the variation in reproductive systems within the animal kingdom. These are discussed in the textbook readings.

  Pounds of groceries into home week

Suppose you bring 100 pounds of groceries into your home each week. Please estimate how many pounds of each type of waste leaves your home. Does this add up to 100 pounds? Where do the various forms end up?

  Name a bacteria that affects the respiratory tract

1) Name a bacteria that affects the respiratory tract? 2) What is the shape of this bacteria?

  How many heterozygous genotypes are possible

Consider a discontinuous trait relating to the management of cholesterol in humans. Assume the trait is controlled by just 2 unlinked genes. For the cholesterol receptor gene 9 different alleles exist. For the cholesterol processing enzyme 5 disti..

  Would you consider robin hood as moral person

Would you consider Robin Hood as a moral person? what philosophical methods are you going to use?

  How can a child excercise willpower

How can a child excercise willpower and self-regulation during the walter mischel's marshmallow test?

  Describe the shortest route material

The organ systems of the human body work in concert with each other to maintain normal functions.

  Simple cell and will address a cell basic needs

1. What features form the basic design of a simple cell and will address a cell's basic needs?

  Efficiency of energy conservation

Suppose that one hundred percent efficiency of energy conservation, how many moles of ATP can be synthesized under standard conditions by the complete oxidation of 1 mol of palmitate?

  Accessory organs of digestion

List all the accessory organs of digestion and describe their functions.

  Anatomical structure of ten different organelles

Examine the anatomical structure of ten different organelles in the cell and their respective functions and Analyze five different types of connective tissue with examples of functions and location within the body.

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