Develop a detailed marketing plan

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Reference no: EM132336852

Project: Business Plan

Part 1 2500 WORDS

Project - Conduct background research (using available and reliable information sources such as EBSCOhost and other research journals dedicated to business, society, technology, and innovation, and identify:
• unsatisfied needs/wants/desires of customers, problems in society in Australia/overseas
• emerging trends in various sectors (e.g. financial; energy; industrial; telecommunication; food and hospitality; real estate; retail, etc.)
• new technologies, inventions and innovations (e.g. digital technology and media, communication technology, entertainment, agriculture / alternative farming, etc.)

Brainstorm and come up with an idea how you could satisfy currently unsatisfied needs / wants / desires of customers, or problems in society (whether in Australia or in any overseas country) with new technologies / inventions / innovations. Propose a business you would like to start up and write an overarching Business Plan for it. Your Business Plan should be written for a new start-up venture; any (for-profit, not-for-profit, social, environmental, charitable) type (e.g. creator, distributor, landlord, broker of any type of asset - financial, physical, intellectual, human) and any size (small, medium, large) of business. Part 1 of your business plan should contain detailed discussions of the following:

• Executive Summary. At this stage only a draft of executive summary needs to be written, but it already needs to be clearly summarized: What the business going to do or produce; How the business is going to deliver value for its customers and other stakeholders; Why the business will exist (purpose) and Why you are starting the business; and Where the business will operate. (200 words)

• Business Description. Provide name of your business and background, and briefly describe the industry your business will operate in. Explain, in sufficient details, any uniqueness or distinctive features of your business; how different your business is going to be compared to competitors; and why customers would buy from you and not from competitors. (500 words)

• Marketing Research and Analysis. Using secondary or primary data, conduct extensive marketing research and analysis and identify potential target market for your products/services; trends and buying habits of customers buying similar products / services; existing competition and potential competitors; and estimated market share your business is aiming to capture. (500 words)

• Marketing Plan. Develop a detailed marketing plan - describe, in sufficient details, the products / services / experiences your business will offer; prices of your products / services compared to competitors, pricing strategies, discounts and loyalty rewards; place where your customers are going to buy your products and services; advertising and promotion you are going to use to promote your products / services and how much it will cost. You need to conduct some research and analysis to provide data supporting your marketing plan. (500 words)

• Operations. Identify specific location where your business is going to operate and briefly describe advantages of the location; describe, in sufficient details, operational procedures of your business - how the business will operate - relate it to the business model of your business; briefly describe personnel requirements working in your business, qualification and experience that are required, wage rates; list suppliers of your business with a brief characteristics, and proximity to your suppliers. (500 words)

• Management. Briefly describe management team and the key personnel of your business (qualification, skills and experience, contribution to the business); legal structure of your business; stock and employment agreements (if applicable), ownership percentage of the business; division of responsibility and accountability, division of workload and profit, etc. (300 words)

* Part 2: 2600 WORDS

Project Part 2 of your business plan should contain detailed discussions of the following:

• Financial. Identify, outline, and estimate variable costs and fixed costs and the amounts. Support your estimated amounts by research you had conducted. Based on the data you had provided, estimate operational cost per month and calculate the Break-Even Point in Number of services and sales value. Consider a wage increase of 3% and overhead costs to go up by 5% due to price increases for the next year. Based on these price increases, calculate the new Break Even Point for the next year. (500 words)

• Social, Environmental, Entrepreneurial (SEE). Describe the corporate governance plan for your business and explain social, environmental, and entrepreneurial component of your business - identify and discuss specific SEE KPIs your business is going to monitor, measure, and report to stakeholders. Describe any Intellectual Property (IP) you are developing for the business, if any, and how you intend to protect your IPs. (500)

• Critical Risks. Discuss potential risks and any potentially unfavourable industry-wide trends destabilising the business (e.g. new entrants, price cutting by competitors, government actions, changes in consumer taste and societal demands, difficulties and unexpected problems beyond business control and what you are going to do (provide risk-management strategies) to minimise negative impact on your business. (600 words)

• Exit and Harvest Strategy. Outline and discuss a plan for a liquidity event and exit strategy (if the business does not perform according to expectations); transition of leadership and succession planning; IPO or sale of the business (if applicable); whether you plan to franchise, or license any of your products or services, etc. (600 words)

• Milestone Schedule. Develop a timetable or (Gantt) chart to demonstrate when each phase of the venture is to be completed (from now till business opening - start-up stage); show the relationship and dependency of events and provide deadline for accomplishment. (400 words)


You will be required to present your assignment in class at an allocated time and provide feedback to your classmates. Each student will be given individual mark for their presentations.
• the presentation to be 7 to 10 minutes long (4 to 5 minutes each student)
• the presentation to have around 10 slides (12 slides maximum)
• copyright information and graphical images used within the slides to be referenced
• in-text information used within the slides to be referenced

Note: This is a third year unit and requires a professional presentation, hence you will be marked also on:
• verbal communication (terminology, clarity of the language used, effective communication skills, cultural sensitivity, etc.)
• nonverbal communication (effective body, facial, eye, paralanguage communication)
• readiness to present at the allocated time and the time management of each student (attendance and participation during presentation of others)
• timing and organisational skills of the group (time management of your group)
• interactivity with audience and professionalism (overall quality of presentation slides, impression of the presentation, answers provided after the presentation)
• peer review (constructive feedback provided to other students, objectivity and fairness of the feedback, suggestions for improvement, etc.)

*Note: Need Part 2 only

Reference no: EM132336852

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7/10/2019 11:59:56 PM

Note: This is a bachelor level assignment and you will be marked also on: • overall presentation of the report (e.g. formatting, cover page, table of context, etc.) • structure of the report (e.g. headings used, flow of information and arguments, etc.) • quality of the report (e.g. language used, arguments presented and discussed, etc.) • bibliography (use of external information sources, quality, validity, relevance of information, consistency of a reference style, etc.)


7/10/2019 11:59:32 PM

Business Plan Weighting: 70% (Part 1: 25% + Part 2: 25% + presentation 20%) Number of Group Members: 2 (penalty for individual assignment -10%) Length: 5100 words (Part 1: 2500 + Part 2: 2600; 2550 words / student) Note: Students are required to indicate what sections of the business plan were written by each group member. Students (working in groups) will be marked individually and will be given individual marks.


7/10/2019 11:59:05 PM

Milestone Schedule - Key milestones, timing and objectives, crucial deadlines are well presented, and discussed in great details; Gantt Chart is provided and explained. Presentation, structure, quality of the business plan The report is exceptionally well presented; well written, well structured, information is presented clearly and in a logical manner. All information is correctly referenced.


7/10/2019 11:59:01 PM

Financial - Financial information about the new venture such as operating cost, profit/loss, cash flow, break-even analysis is exceptionally well discussed and supported by valid arguments and sound analysis. Social, Environmental, Entrepreneurial (SEE) - Social, Environmental, and Entrepreneurial (SEE) aspect of the business is exceptionally well discussed; excellent SEE KPIs are provided and discussed in great details, supported by literature review. Critical Risks and Mitigation Strategies - Critical risks of the new venture have been identified, analysed and exceptionally well discussed. Contingency plan to eliminate or reduce the risks has been provided and discussed in great details. Exit and Harvest Strategies - Strategy for harvesting the business such as planning for a liquidity event and exit strategy, taking the venture public, selling the business, identifying successor, franchising or licensing is provided and discussed in great details.


7/10/2019 11:57:01 PM

Marketing Research and Analysis - Exceptionally well-conducted marketing research and analysis, information is properly referenced and credible. Target market, market size and trends, competition, estimated market share, is discussed in details. Marketing Plan - Marketing plan includes discussion of products/services, pricing strategy, advertising plans, cost estimates, market strategy, etc. and it is exceptionally well discussed.Operations Operations of the business such as advantages of the business location, operational procedures, personnel needs, proximity to supplies, etc. are exceptionally well discussed in details and supported by arguments.Management Management of the proposed business, management team, board of directors, legal structure of the business, etc. is all discussed in great details.


7/10/2019 11:54:49 PM

Need in 8 hours not possible in any single delay. Part 1 attached with files which reflects the second part of the assignment... Executive summary C R I T E R I A HD e Excellent executive summary that well-summarised what the business does; how it is going to deliver value to its customers; why the business will exist; and and where and how the business will operate. . Business Description The proposed business is exceptionally described; mission, vision, business model, core values, organisational structure, management style, uniqueness of the business, ideal customers and access to them are well discussed. The business idea is very innovative.

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