Develop a detailed capstone project proposal and plan

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13908746


I need your help in making my assignment. it''s like a research project. so i have selected the topic

"CONTACTLESS BIOMETRICS". so in this assignment its the intoduction of the topic. so have to cover these three main areas. that is




and the referncing should be done in APA style 6th edition with in-text citation. for further information on how to do the assignment or what things need to be covered in the topic.



1. Follow the Study Schedule and work with the Topics (Modules) in Interact as they provide a "scaffold" for your learning in this subject.

2. Develop a detailed Capstone Project Proposal and Plan using project management software (as listed in the Study Schedule) and the skills you have acquired from IT Project Management to develop a project plan with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), milestones and Gantt chart. These tools may help.
1. MicrosoftProject Pro (;
2. Open source tools like GanttProject (;
3. OpenProj(
4. OpenProject (
5. ProjectLibre (

3. Begin a 'project blog' for your chosen emerging technology topic.
1. The blog is a way to not only "think by writing" and make your notes but also store project files and links in a cloud-based service.
2. Consider sharing the site with your peers as a way to harness each others knowledge.
3. For Distance mode students, the Blog can be used for your Weekly Progress Reports (as an alternative to the Discussion Board) in Assessment Item 3.

4. CSU Thinkspace at (use your CSU Login ID) is recommended or Wordpress, Google's Blogger ( are common blogging systems, but you may have your own favourite site to use.
1. Choose and develop a limited blogger profile and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog (e.g. Joe's Wireless Technology Project) - not your full name
2. For WEB ADDRESS - use your student number as your account name (URL) or other unique identifier.
3. Make a first post - a short introduction about you and the project - remember to save, then Publish the blog entry. Check with a friend or family member to ensure that he/she can see your first posting.
4. This is also to check you have the right URL to include in this proposal and plan for your project.

5. The blog is ideally updated each week with 3 or 4 entries, at a minimum standard and will become a valuable tool for the Weekly Progress ReportsAND/OR for documenting your project notes and as the foundation for editing and writing the Capstone Project Report. An ideal blog entry will have around 50-150 words (150-600 words a week).

6. Describe how you intend to submit/present your Weekly Progress Reports to peers from Week 2:
1. In Class (only option for on-campus students)
2. Interact2 Discussion Board
3. My Project Blog (provide Website address)

7. Group Work OPTION for Assessment Items (Not recommended for Distance mode students): The Group Capstone Project Proposal and Plan is submitted by the team of three (3 maximum group size) for a group mark on a project proposal and plan that clearly indicates the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Role and Responsibilities of EACH member to carry an equal share of the load in the project work.

The Capstone Topic Project Plan allows for a broad range of project areas like systems administration, database systems, IT security, mobile technology etc. Often the project has a sponsor and is linked to your interest or workplace needs. The proposal has a research component (Assessment Item 2 Literature Review) so in some cases you may need to find a supervisor willing to accept you as a candidate.
The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this item include how you interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation and begin to to plan, execute, record and present your research and project work as a capstone experience.

Your Capstone Project Proposal and Plan will be evaluated with a series of questions that you can use as a Checklist:

• Is the capstone topic area appropriate?

• Has the Project Blog been setup?

• Has there been sufficient justification of the choice of the topic?

• Is there enough scope for a sufficiently deep/complex analysis?

• Is the scope appropriate for what might be reasonably expected in the capstone project subject?

• Is the methodology proposed clear?

• Are the deliverables clearly set out?

• Are the deliverables sufficiently complex to justify a pass in this activity?

• Is it likely that the proposed activities can be reasonably carried out?

• Is it likely that the student will have access to the necessary resources to do a satisfactory job?

• Is the time line proposed realistic?

Reference no: EM13908746

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