Develop a detailed action plan to motivate john

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Reference no: EM133204033

John is an engineer in a large design engineering office. John comes from a rural background in which his family, during his childhood, had very low income and strict rules. To earn his college degree, he had to work to pay most of his expenses. Right now, money is not a problem for him.

John is an intelligent and capable person. His main problem is that he does not want to take risks. He hesitates to make decisions for himself, often bringing small and routine problems to his supervisor or to other engineers for confirmation. Whenever he does a design job, he brings it as a draft to his supervisor Charlie for approval before John finalizes it.

Since he is a capable person, his supervisor wants to motivate him to be more independent in his work. The supervisor believes that this approach will improve John's performance and relieve the supervisor from extra (unnecessary) work. However, the supervisor is not sure how to go about motivating John to be more confident while performing his duties.

Assume that you are Charlie (John's supervisor). Develop a detailed action plan to motivate John. Your plan must be based on any two theories of motivation

Reference no: EM133204033

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