Develop a database to manage corporate training programs

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133669829

Database Management Systems

Assessment Details:


This assignment aims to enhance your understanding of database design through the practical application of Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) and normalization techniques. You will work in groups to design a database system that is both efficient and scalable, addressing a real-world problem scenario provided below.

Assignment Scenario:
Your team has been tasked with designing a database system for one of the scenarios listed according to your group number; if you are in group N, you must choose scenario N. For example, Group 10 must choose Scenario 10. If you work on a different scenario, your assignment will not be marked.
Your database should provide a comprehensive solution that allows for efficient data retrieval, updates, and integrity.


Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD):
Construct a detailed ERD that represents the scenario. Your ERD should include all necessary entities, relationships, attributes, and primary keys. Use appropriate notation to indicate relationships, cardinality, and participation constraints clearly.


Provide a detailed explanation of how you applied normalization techniques to ensure that your database design is free of redundancy and update anomalies.
Your submission should include:
The process of normalizing your database design to at least 3NF (Third Normal Form). Identification of any potential issues you encountered during normalization and how you resolved them.

SQL Schema:
Create an SQL schema that includes defined entities.
Define primary keys, foreign keys, and appropriate constraints.
Ensure that the database schema enforces referential integrity.

List of Scenarios:
Choose one of the below Scenarios according to your group number. Scenario 1: Healthcare Patient Management System
Design a database for a hospital to manage patient records, appointments, medical histories, treatments, and billing information. Your database should ensure patient privacy and support efficient retrieval of medical records by authorized staff.

Scenario 2: Online Retail Store
Develop a database system for an online retail store that manages products, inventories, customers, orders, and shipping details. The system should support online shopping features like product search, order tracking, and customer feedback.

Scenario 3: Public Library Management
Create a database for a public library to manage books, members, loans, and fines. The database should handle book reservations, track overdue items, and support queries for book availability and member activity.

Scenario 4: University Accommodation Service
Design a database system for a university's accommodation service that manages student housing, room allocations, maintenance requests, and payments. The system should accommodate different housing options and prioritize allocations based on specific criteria.

Scenario 5: Event Management System

Develop a database for an event management company that handles events, attendees, venues, and vendors. The system should support event planning activities, including scheduling, ticket sales, and vendor services.

Scenario 6: Airline Reservation System
Create a database for an airline reservation system that manages flights, passengers, reservations, and crew assignments. The database should ensure efficient scheduling and offer flexibility for flight changes and cancellations.

Scenario 7: Employee Performance Tracking System
Design a database to track employee performance, project assignments, reviews, and promotions within a company. The system should support HR processes, including performance appraisal, training programs, and career development planning.

Scenario 8: Vehicle Rental Service
Develop a database for a vehicle rental service that manages vehicles, customers, rental agreements, and payments. The system should handle different types of vehicles, check vehicle availability, and track ongoing rentals.

Scenario 9: Sports League Management
Design a database for managing a sports league, including teams, players, game schedules, scores, and standings. The system should facilitate scheduling, track player statistics, and support dynamic updates to league standings.

Scenario 10: Restaurant Reservation and Ordering System
Create a database for a restaurant that manages table reservations, orders, menu items, and billing. The system should support real-time reservations, track orders from placement to delivery, and manage inventory based on daily sales.
Scenario 11: Corporate Training Program
Develop a database to manage corporate training programs, including courses, instructors, employee enrollments, and feedback. The system should track employee progress, course completion, and evaluate instructor performance.

Scenario 12: Real Estate Property Management
Design a database system for a real estate agency to manage properties, clients, viewings, and transactions. The system should support property listings, client preferences, and transaction history for buyers and sellers.

Scenario 13: Museum Artifact Cataloging System
Create a database for a museum to catalog artifacts, exhibitions, loans, and restorations. The system should manage artifact details, exhibition scheduling, and track items loaned to or from other institutions.

Scenario 14: Film Production and Distribution Company
Develop a database for a film production and distribution company that manages films, casts, production schedules, and distribution channels. The system should track film production progress and manage distribution rights and revenues.
Scenario 15: Music Festival Organization
Design a database for organizing music festivals, including artists, stages, schedules, and ticket sales. The system should facilitate lineup planning, manage artist contracts, and handle ticketing logistics.

Submit a comprehensive report that includes:
An introduction to the problem scenario and the importance of your database design.
A section describing your ERD, including assumptions made during its creation.
A detailed explanation of the normalization process and the rationale behind your design decisions.
A detailed explanation of SQL schema
Any challenges faced by your group and how you overcame them.
A conclusion reflecting on what your group learned from this assignment and how it applies to real-world database management.

Prepare a brief presentation summarizing your design process, challenges, and key learning outcomes. Each group will record a presentation including their database design, normalization, SQL schema approach.

Reference no: EM133669829

Questions Cloud

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How will you ensure that you are meeting your career goals : Who will you identify as a mentor or accountability partner, and how will you ensure that you are meeting your career goals?
Develop a database to manage corporate training programs : ICT503 Database Management Systems - Develop a database to manage corporate training programs, including courses, instructors, employee enrollments
Department of family and protective service : When breandon was nine years old his mother was killed in an automobile accident his father recognized
How do define that or explain that to others : How do define that or explain that to others? You do not have to give a number here for a price but you also can not say life is priceless.
Discuss things that surprise you most about african presence : Discuss two things that surprised you the most about African presence in Asia. Discuss two things that surprised you most about Black presence in early China?
Immigration status as social justice issue : Explain what is the connection between religion/spirituality and the immigration status as a social justice issue.


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