Reference no: EM132451213 , Length: word count:2000
BSBCUS501 - Manage Quality Customer Service - Albright Institute of Business and Language
Assessment Task 1 -
Task - Problems
Problem 1: Explain the purpose of the Australian Consumer Law and how it protects consumers' rights (50 - 100 words).
Problem 2: Outline the consumer guarantees that apply for both products and services under the Australian Consumer Law (50 - 100 words).
Problem 3: Outline types of products covered by the consumer guarantee (50 - 100 words).
Problem 4: Outline services covered by the consumer guarantee (30 - 50 words).
Problem 5: Explain why it is unlawful for a retailer to display a sign to say that no refunds are provided (30 - 50 words).
Problem 6: Discuss whether consumers are legally entitled to a refund or replacement if they change their mind (150 - 200 words).
Problem 7: Discuss the statement below in relation to guidelines about consumer guarantees. Provide an example to illustrate your answer (100 - 150 words).
Some suppliers or manufacturers tell the consumer an extended warranty provides extra protection, which the consumer would not have unless they buy it.
Problem 8: Explain service standards and their importance (50 - 100 words).
Problem 9: Explain the importance of measuring service standards (50 - 100 words).
Problem 10: Explain public relations (30 - 50 words).
Problem 11: Explain how customer service impacts on public relations for a company (50 - 100 words).
Problem 12: Explain product promotion (50 - 100 words).
Problem 13: Outline four key ways of providing excellent customer service (100 - 150 words).
Problem 14: Explain at least two ways that you could overcome verbal communication barriers with customers (50 - 100 words).
Problem 15: Explain how you can overcome barriers to communication with customers with hearing impairments (50 - 100 words).
Problem 16: Discuss why an unhappy customer is not good for business (50 - 100 words).
Problem 17: Discuss the importance of understanding customer complaint behaviour (50 - 100 words).
Problem 18: Explain three key customer research methods (50 - 100 words).
Problem 19: Explain at least two benefits of an effective complaint handling system for businesses and consumers (50 - 100 words).
Problem 20: Explain the standard steps for dealing with a customer complaint (50 - 100 words).
Problem 21: Outline four key communication skills that should be utilised when dealing with customer complaints (50 - 100 words).
Problem 22: Explain the importance of recording and monitoring complaints (50 - 100 words).
Assessment Task 2 - Report and Role-play
For this task you are required to be in the role of Operations Manager to develop a customer service strategy for a cleaning company called Ozhouse Clean.
You are also required to discuss and confirm customer service strategy with the management team (Role-play)
Read the following scenarios and complete the activities below:
Ozhouse Clean is a cleaning services company based in Melbourne. The company offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as well as spring cleans.
Complete the following activities:
Activity 1. Research options for customer service strategies and customer needs.
• Review the scenario information provided to you that sets out the company's strategic vision, mission and objectives, as well as the key customer service principles and areas for inclusion in the customer service strategy. You should also review the customer service strategy template that you will be required to complete.
• Research the Internet to find out about legislation and regulations that the company needs to abide by in its delivery of services and ensure that this information is incorporated into the development of customer service strategies. You will also need to provide an overview of the legislative and regulatory context at the meeting with staff so ensure you make notes to guide your delivery of the information to staff.
• Research the Internet to find examples of customer service strategies developed by other companies. Make notes on your findings.
• Using secondary sources of information, research and identify likely key customer needs in relation to cleaning services, including as a minimum quality of service, cost of service, response times from booking of service to completion and so on.
Activity 2. Develop a customer service strategy
• Using the scenario information and your research, develop a customer service strategy for Ozhouse Clean using the template provided by your assessor. The customer service strategy should also clearly reflect the customer needs you have identified and show how these needs will be satisfied through the service provided. The strategy should also document specific actions, priority and performance indicators.
• When you have completed your customer service strategy, send it to the management team (your assessor) via email and advise them that you would like to set up a meeting to discuss these documents.
• Your email should include a brief statement of the purpose of the meeting and the date and time and duration for the meeting (the meeting will be approximately 30 minutes).
Activity 3. Discuss and confirm customer service strategy with the management team (Role-play)
• Conduct the meeting with the General Manager (this will be your assessor)
• At the meeting you will be required to:
- Explain the importance of customer service, as well as legislation and regulations key to customer service
- Explain each of the strategies and actions in the new customer service strategy
- Explain how strategies and actions will assist in achieving the key customer service principles, as well as strategic mission, vision and objectives.
• During the meeting you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Presenting information clearly and concisely
- Asking Problems
- Responding to these Problems
- Active listening skills
• Your assessor (in the role of the General Manager) will provide you with feedback on your strategy, which you will need to incorporate.
• Following the meeting, send the final version of the customer service strategy to your assessor.
• Create an appropriate folder for this assessment task establishing folders as you would if you were storing this information on a workplace computer. Folders must be logical and well-organised and you will be assessed on this. Save your files within these folders and provide a screenshot of the folders and their contents to your assessor via email.
Assessment Task 3 - Project and Role-paly
This task requires you to assume that as the Operations Manager responsible for ensuring delivery of quality services, you have decided to review a sample of quotes provided by customer service staff to customers to determine whether the information contained in the quotes is correct and has been sent to customers according to the required timelines.
Once you have completed your analysis, you are required to meet with the customer service team to advise of any issues you identified through your review, as well as actions to be taken to ensure quality customer service. You will also be required to demonstrate your ability to problem solve through unexpected information provided your customer service team.
o Please use the "Template for a Report" (given by your trainer) to complete this assessment.
o Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy.
Complete the activities below.
Activity 1. Analyse delivery of company services according to quality and delivery standards.
• Review all of the following documents:
- Customer emails and responses sent by the customer service staff
- Customer Service Policy and Procedure
- Ozhouse Clean List of Services
• Check whether the response times for delivery of the quote is in accordance with timelines specified in the customer service policy and procedure.
• Check whether the information provided within the quote is correct as per the Ozhouse Clean List of Services.
• Make notes on any variance in response times or correctness of information. This information will need to be shared at the meeting with the team.
• Identify and make notes of actions to address any issues with response time or correctness of information to discuss with the team at the meeting. This may be an immediate action/s or actions to be completed over a period of time.
Activity 2. Conduct a service delivery analysis meeting.
• Meet with your team (this will be your assessor) to:
- Outline response timelines and information requirements as included in the customer service policy and procedure and list of services.
- Explain any variances identified through review of the email correspondence.
- Outline proposed actions.
• During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Asking and responding to Problems
- Active listening techniques
• At the meeting, your assessor will also give you some unexpected information, which you will need to discuss and identify additional or revised actions. These should be discussed in the meeting and then confirmed in the email as per the activity below.
Activity 3. Follow up meeting and record all documentation.
• Following the meeting, you are required to send an email to the customer service team, summarising the meeting outcomes, as well as all agreed actions.
• Your email must:
- be typed and be written in clear and concise English
- must summarise the meeting outcomes including what was discussed and actions to be taken.
• Create an appropriate folder for this assessment task establishing folders as you would if you were storing this information on a workplace computer. Folders must be logical and well-organised and you will be assessed on this. Save your files within these folders and provide a screenshot of the folders and their contents to your assessor via email.
Assessment Task 4 - Project
This assessment task requires you to review customer complaints lodged with Ozhouse Clean and to provide a briefing report to the General Manager about solutions.
SCENARIO (attached)
Last October, Ozhouse Clean signed up to a number of group buying websites to increase the demand for its services. There has been a marked increase in customers, but there has also been a significantly increased number of complaints.
Complete the following activities:
Activity 1. Analyse and report on complex complaints.
As Operations Manager, you have been asked to investigate and report on these complex complaints as it appears that the company had not investigated these situations prior to signing up with the group buying website.
Your investigation should include an analysis of the legal situation, example cases and recommendations for how to avoid this situation in the future.
Develop a briefing report that addresses:
a) Summary of the issues.
b) Analysis of relevant legislation.
c) Issues with use of group buying websites for businesses, including benefits and pitfalls.
d) Recommendations for actions, including response to the customers, as well as recommendations that can be adopted internally to avoid this situation reoccurring.
Activity 2. Manage records for customer complaints.
• Create an appropriate folder for this assessment task establishing folders as you would if you were storing this information on a workplace computer. Folders must be logical and well-organised and you will be assessed on this. Save your files within these folders and provide a screenshot of the folders and their contents to your assessor via email.
Assessment Task 5 - Project
There are two parts to this assessment task. Part A requires the student to design a customer survey and Part B requires the student to analyse a customer survey.
Read the case study below and then complete the activities that follow
Based on the customer service issues identified as a result of the customer complaints issue, Ozhouse Clean has decided to be proactive and identify customer needs through use of a feedback survey. Your task is to develop a customer survey that addresses customers' satisfaction with Ozhouse Clean services, as well as quality of service, ability to meet timelines, staff performance and cost of services and any other factors you consider relevant.
Complete the following activities:
Activity 1. Conduct research
• Research real life customer surveys used by businesses using the Internet, as well as how these surveys are administered (eg on-line) and how often.
• Identify best practices in customer surveys in regards to Problemnaire design and survey method and frequency. Make notes on your findings.
Activity 2. Develop a customer survey
• Based on the areas identified in the task instructions (ie quality of service, ability to meet timelines, staff performance and cost of services), develop a customer survey. Your survey should include at least 10 Problems. You may also include rating criteria for customer to rate their responses.
• Send the customer survey to your assessor via email. Your email should outline the purpose of the survey and include your recommendations on how often the survey should be administered and by what method based on the research you undertook. You should include a clear rationale for your recommendations.
• You need to ensure your survey is:
- Typed and written in clear and concise English
- Developed according to the instructions above.
Read the case study below and then complete the activities that follow
Complete the following activities:
Activity 1. Analyse and report on scenario information.
• Review the scenario information and analyse the results of the survey as follows:
- An analysis of the results against industry benchmarks for overall customer satisfaction, ease of doing business and customer loyalty.
- Your overall analysis of how the company is performing in terms of customer service.
• Develop a short briefing report (1 - 2 pages) to discuss the results of your analysis. Your briefing report should include:
- An analysis of the results. You should convert the numerical findings into bar charts that clearly shows the results of the survey and in percentages.
• Your recommendations based on the customer survey conducted and your analysis.
• When you have completed your report, send it to your team (your assessor) via email.
Activity 2. Manage records
• Create an appropriate folder within the folders you have already set up for all assessment tasks and provide a screenshot to your assessor.
Attachment:- Manage Quality Customer Service.rar