Reference no: EM131442987
Elements of competence
- Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements
- Ensure delivery of quality products and/or services
- Monitor, adjust and review customer service
Module description
This module describes the skills and knowledge required to develop strategies to manage organisational systems that ensure products and services are delivered and maintained to standards agreed by the organisation. It applies to individuals who supervise the provision of quality customer service within an organisation's procedures framework by others.
Learning outcomes
Students will, upon successful completion of this unit understand the needs of both internal and external customers using processes such as research and motivational programs to ensure a quality delivery is achieved.
Teaching program
The program is of forty (40) hours duration, comprising four (4) hours per week for one teaching block of ten (10) weeks. The program will consist of two (2) hours of lectures and two (2 ) hours of tutorials per week
Course requirements
To be assessed as competent for this unit of competency you must be able to do the following:
(1) Demonstrate understanding of all learning outcomes
(2) Successfully complete and submit all tasks as requested
Assessment Task: Customer service plan
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
The candidate must be able to produce a Customer Service Plan that demonstrates a thorough understanding of the policies and procedures that need to be established in order to provide quality customer service.
Assessment description
You will develop a Customer Service Plan for the fictitious company "Innovative Widgets". The information needed to produce the plan is to be taken from role plays and documentation provided throughout the course.
1. Produce a Customer Service Plan with appropriate sections.
2. Complete each section of your plan immediately after your facilitator has delivered the appropriate teaching session.
3. All "Innovative Widget" data should be sourced from your Student Workbook and role play exercises.
4. Submit the plan by the deadline set by your Assessor.
The Customer Service Plan must be submitted on:
- A4 paper or, if submitted electronically,
- In MS-Word (.doc) format.
Your Customer Service Plan should include:
Section One
- A vision and mission that refers to internal and external customers Section two
- Product standards that include:
o dimensions
o tolerances
o pricing
o material
- Service standards that include
o Delivery
o Care and attention
Section three
- Policies and procedures for:
o identifying customer needs
o obtaining customer feedback, including a feedback questionnaire, that conform to the RATER model
o responding to customer complaints - include a flow chart of the procedure
Section four
- Policy and procedure for:
o Continuous improvement to the customer service plan that includes:
- routine reviews with no more than annual intervals
- persons or department directly responsible
All policies and procedures should:
- Be clear and unambiguous
- Be realistic and achievable
- Contain prescriptive instructions for realistic scenarios
- Contain decision trees and / or flow diagrams.
Your assessor will be looking for a plan that:
- Is clearly written in plain English
- Is easy to navigate
- Has correct spelling and grammar
- Contains sufficient evidence to meet the outcomes listed above
- Shows consistency in the use of:
o fonts
o bullets
o headings
- Has any charts and tables produced.