Develop a computer program in the java language

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133319685

Assignment:- Java program

The goal of this project is to develop a computer program in the Java language which requires the design of a class that can be used to perform arithmetic involving fractions. For the purposes of this project, the following facts about fractions will be used.

OPTIONAL - The colour of a pixel is some average of the colours of all the rays fired through it. The power of ray tracing lies in the fact that secondary rays are fired from the ray-object intersection point to determine its exact illumination (and hence colour). This spawning of secondary rays allows reflection, refraction, and shadowing to be handled with ease. A simple raytraced image can be seen in Figure 1 and the basic algorithm in Figure 13. Ray tracing's big disadvantage is that it is slow. It takes minutes, or hours, to render a reasonably detailed scene. Ray tracing was first implemented in hardware by a Cambridge company, Advanced Rendering Technologies2 , in the late 1990s. Let us Assume a processor has two symmetric groups that contain both utilitarian units and an issue cradle. (a) How many flip-flops will be required to implement the mystery module, and how will signals c and r be connected to these flip-flops? 15 marks] (b) What is the state transition diagram for this mystery module? [5 marks] (c) If this module were synthesised to the minimum sum of products form, what would the equations be for next state bits s[0], s[1] and s[2]? [10 marks] 2 CST.2004.3.3 3 Data Structures and Algorithms Compiler Construction Programming answers should be written in some notation approximating SML or OCaml. (a) Describe what is meant by tail recursion. [4 marks] (b) Eliminate tail recursion from foldl given below. Which of the lookup mechanisms in part (b.ii) is usually used for a TLB and why aren't the other mechanisms usually used? [5 marks] 5 ECAD Consider the following mysterious Verilog module. module mystery(c,r,a,s); input c,r,a; output [3:0] s; reg [3:0] s; always @(posedge c or posedge r) if(r) s<=0; else begin if(a && (s<7)) s<=s+1; else if(!a && (s>0)) s<=s-1; end endmodule (a.ii) How many flip-flops will be required to implement the mystery module, and how will signals c and r be connected to these flip-flops? [9 marks] (b.ii) What is the state transition diagram for this mystery module? [5 marks] (c.ii) If this module were synthesised to the minimum sum of products form, what would the equations be for next state bits Explain how it does this.With the three datasets you have decided to use multiple tools in your Hadoop environment, an external hive table called "Company" in the default database using Company_data. We might expect that this model would be implemented in a relational schema such as SwA, wB), T(wC, wAmount), and R(wA, wC). Discuss to what extent a programmer can expect a program that conforms to a standard to generate identical results when run under different conforming compilers on different machines. [6 marks] (b) ALGOL 60 provided call by value and call by name, Pascal provided call by value and call by reference, and ALGOL-W provided a variety of calling methods including call by result and call by value-result. Briefly describe the calling mechanisms just mentioned and discuss why most modern programming languages provide only call by value. [8 marks] Consider different versions of an optimizing compiler, What Explain how five free elements of visual handling are multiplexed together into the three accessible spatial components of brain tissue, by the construction of the cubic millimeter hyper columns should the two fundamental objectives of a decent guiding strategy be?

(c) Discuss the reasons why languages such as Fortran, Algol and PL/I designed in 1950s and 1960s are less widely used than languages designed in the last 202 years. However, the database implementor has noticed that a very common and expensive query is this: given an A-value a, find the sum of all Amount values for records in T related to this a value in S.

Reference no: EM133319685

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